Oh No


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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What a crap appointment i have just had :(

My first scan/ hospital appoint(no scan because i had one early because of a bleed). I have a heart murmer, always had it and now because of my age i have to go and have cardiology(heart scan), and so what.

The main thing is they say i might have to have baba early or have assisted delivery(so i don't stress when pushing) even though my two other children came when they wanted with no assistance.

That doesn't make me a happy bunny :(
Sorry your appointment was so crap hun :hug:
Shame you didnt get a scan i thought you still got one even if you had one early :think:
They are just trying to do what they feel is best for you hun with regards to the delivery..maybe you could have a word with whoever is looking after you throughout pregnancy and see why they are thinking about it this time even though you were fine before?
:hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry, how awful for you, i wouldn't be happy either. Thats a bit spiteful not giving you a scan, thats what u look forward to, i don't know what the NHS is coming to i really don't :x
sorry it was crap :hug:
Maybe if you get your heart scanned it won't be so bad and they might re-consider your options, It's early days yet so you can get all the info etc.. chin up chick :moon:
sorry to hear about whats happened hun, doctors always find something to pick fault with people. I get in the neck all the time for being a touch overwieght!
On the positive side at least you'll have lots of assitance and doctors around when baby comes, which is always good to have.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
sounds crap but at least they are getting it checked out...maybe when you get your heart scan ask her if she can just have a peek down at your tummy?
Sorry to hear about your crap appointment hun :hug: :hug:
Thanks all, i have calmed down a bit now, i know they are only doing what is best for me and baba, but means i can't even consider a home birth now :(

Think it's because of my age to be honest, and law suits probably.

Kirlykird they haven't said how early yet,they have already written in my notes that they want second stage labour(pushing) over with ASAP, i have to have the cardio first then another hospital appoint to discuss it again when i/they have the results.

sounds crap but at least they are getting it checked out...maybe when you get your heart scan ask her if she can just have a peek down at your tummy?

I might just do that :D I'm a cheecky git :shhh:
Aww hun thats awful u wont get to have your home birth! Can't they have people there with you incase? Or do u HAVE to be in hospital?
I hope everything work out for u honey, i really do! :hug: :hug:
hey i'm sorry 2 hear ur news :hug:

surely they cant MAKE u do things their way if u dont want 2?
I guess they can't, i'll see what the results say first and then have a chat with them. I'll just have to make decisions as they come up now. Ahh well soon be May :cheer:
Not great news, but I'm guessing you'd rather be fit and well to hold your new baby?

They may tone it down a bit as you pregnancy progresses, I guess they will tell you more after your cardiac scan.

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