Oh no what just happened? :(

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Charley just started stirring so I got his bottle, he drunk 2oz's then started screaming this really high pitched cry. He was really upset so I put him over my shoulder and tried to wind him to calm him down, tried giving more milk but in the end he settled with his dummy. He's now led in my bed asleep cos I wanna keep him close but he's trashing his arms and legs every couple of mins and I've also noticed he's been quite snuffly today but it sounds worse now. He also has quite a strong smell of wee but his nappies not big! I really hope he's ok :(
he cud have a wee urine infection.... try giving him lots of water tomorrow... check his temp just keep an eye on it.... he may possibly have had a bad dream??? and only drank 2ozs automatically but not really wanted it so went back to sleep?? xx
Thanks Hun, I thought I might've tried feeding him to soon and startled him but he's just been asleep in my bed for the past 3 hours, woken for a feed and he's really struggling to breathe so he's got a cold coming. He was almost panicking again then with that bottle but I kept trying to pace him so he wasn't drinking so fast. Thanks for your help x x
if his nose is blocking he will be struggling to breathe while he's drinking? maybe its scaring him? if hes in bed with u stick him on a pilllow raise him a bit it shud help ease hime a bit.... u cud if u have vicks stick a bit on a tissue in the room?? xx
Mila used to trash her arms a lot while she was sleeping and we swaddled her and it helped quite a bit to get her to sleep through the night :) good luck.
How is he now Hun? Sounds like it's to do with a cold if he's snuffly. I used to wake up to a really snotty crusty nose when Drake had a cold..it's awful. Can be really scary for them too.
Aw hope little mans ok Hun. When I read the first line I thought omg the twin thing, Aiden just woke up and after a few mins started stirring and I thought he was hungry so I tries feeding him and he didn't want it then he started screaming and I don't know what's wrong with him!! This is so bloody weird lolx
He's been awake on/off since 5 and really grizzly. He's still struggling to breathe and has just thrown up loads of milk! I'm meant to be going to baby group for the 1st time today but I can't take him if he's like this.
Oh no! Have you checked his temp? I would keep him cosy today and try and give him plenty of water! Hope the little man feels better soon!! Xxx

I think I have a dodgy thermoniter! Can you get 2 different readings? One ear says 36.3 and the other 37.7. He's very windgy but he's only had a 20 nap since 7am so he's prob really tired!
yes u can have two diff ear temps , actually u shud have but anymore than 1degree in difference apparently means ear infection??? maybe bring him docs hun xx

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