oh my god! what is it?! help!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I went to the toilet and could feel I was 'wet' in the downstairs department so I wiped myself and there was a small white wormy thing that moved!!!! :puke: OH MY GOD!!!
Iv had worms before but I thought they came out your bum not your lady bits.
Sorry tmi but im grossed out.
What do I do?
Is it harmful to bump?
Sweetie pie! Bless you! I have no idea as i dont know anything about worms but didn't want to leave you on your own! - maybe it didn't come out of your lady bits but slipped out of your bum. I would go to the docs as soon as they open this morning and demand to be seen as it's an emergency. xxx I really hope everyhting is okay for you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Could it have been a stringy bit of vaginal discharge? It can change alot during pregnancy. xxx
I dont think its discharge as it was moving :think:
Im going to see the docters today so hopefully Ill get it sorted.
Good luck at the drs - hope it's easily resolved. I wouldn't know what to advise as not experienced them...
awww hun didnt wanna read and run but have no advice just hugs.... hope you get sorted with the Dr :hug: :hug: :hug:
start wiping front to back when youve had a pee oncase youre dragging stuff forward (god that sounded awful! but best to be on the safe side) :hug:
Hope you get it sorted and manage to get an appointment at the docs ok :hug:
Went to boots today to get a tablet for worms, but they said you can't take it while pregnant =/
So iv got a docters opointment for tomorrow (thought it was today), hopefully they can treat it :)
:hug: :hug:
Went to boots today to get a tablet for worms, but they said you can't take it while pregnant =/
So iv got a docters opointment for tomorrow (thought it was today), hopefully they can treat it :)
:hug: :hug:
no you can't whilt pregnant however if you keep your self extra clean, by washing/ bathing morning and evening it'll stop the worms and aparently wear tight fitting panties at night to stop it spreading to otehr people and more yourself and change your sheets every 2 days oh and make sure you wash your hands every time you go loo and make sure you wash between your nails then it'll go in at the most 5/6 weeks, my children had worms a while back and they are very common so we have to do exsactly as said above for ALL of us not just the children, i did read on the tablet box i gave the children (didn't take one myself cas of being preggers) that the worms can move from your anus to your vagina which in turn can cause swelling ect... hope this helps :D :hug:
poor you, sounded scary! I sometimes get thick discharge now im preg, it does move, not like its alive but like its pinging back if you know what i mean???? Worms arent that visible to the naked eye, especially if you have white loo roll, im sure its not worms as they are so tiny.
thread worms are visable to the naked eye as far as i know.. i remember having them when i was little

How did it go at the doctors hunny? Hope it clears up soon, whether it be worms or something else!
:( My dad went into town without me. Iv only just got up and he didnt even have the decentcy to wake me up. :shakehead:
So now Im gonna have to miss my opointment because I have no way of getting into town.
Hi, Sorry to hear of your troubles and that you missed you app. you poor thing.

Have you tried calling nhs direct? At least they could give you some advice over the phone as to what it could possibly be
until you can actually see somebody....

Hope you get sorted soon
Iv looked it up on the internet, and what it describes definatly sounds like iv got thread worms.
It says that when your pregnant they dont usually give you treatmemnt as thread worms arnt that dangerous,
so showering twice a day etc to keep the eggs away will hopefully get rid of them.
Well I hope it clears up and you are feeling better real soon.x

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