oh my god got doc appt today...


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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hey girls, as you know i had to make the heartbreaking decision to end the last pregnancy at 16weeks due to babys skull not forming fully, it broke my heart and we have discussed ttc again, we know that to try and prevent the same condition i need to go onto a high level dosage (prescribed) folic acid (and pray lots) as the reason they it occours is a folic acid deficiency, as i already took f,a before and during preg they think for me my body doesnt absorb it properly so a higher dose may "cure" this even so there is an albeit low chance but a 3% chance of it happening again.

went into surgery tentativly today to ask for an appoint to talk to my doc about ttc and going on higher folic acid as need 2-3 months min before i ttc and they said oh there is a cancellation today you can see dr at 1540!!! now im bricking it thought id have to wait a few days its only been 2 months since i saw same doc for referral for surgical termination i hope he doesnt think im heartless, i do miss our baby everyday and i wish things had turned out diff but by time been on f,a for 3 months will be april (when baby was due) and thats then 6 months since it all went wrong, i feel emotionally able to cope with another pregnancy but i am sooooooo scared it might happen again, i did everything "by the book" except being a bit overweight last time so am dieting now to try and do everything possible. im just very nervous going back to doc and him thinking i didnt care when the opposite is true.
Just wanted to wish you luck hunny.

The doctor has no right to judge your decision, only you and your OH can make those choices and aslong as the choice you have made is right for you both then thats all that matters x x

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Good luck with your appointment huni. It would be so unprofessional of your Dr to judge you, which im sure they wont anyway xxx
thanxs everyone the dr was lovely and talked through my fears and wished us all the best in ttc i do have to stay on the high dose folic adic for 3 months min before ttc but im realyl positive today now! thankyou for all your wishes. nothing can take away the hurt and loss i feel about the last time but fingers crossed it wont happen again and will in the future have another little one to look forward to. xx
Glad things went well with the doctors, thinking of you :hugs:
So glad things went well for you huni and that you sound so positive!Wishing you all the best for the future and looking forward to following your journey xxx
Glad things went ok hunny x x

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Glad you have a plan of action and feel a bit more confident.

There's nothing wrong with moving on as its lot like you forget or ever will your previous pregnancy.

Hope to see you have a BFP story as soon as it's the right time for you xxxx
So glad it went well! Your doc sounds sooo lovely! Xx

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