oh making me laugh


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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what a muppet he is so funny lol...when we found out we were having a boy on tuesday after he said, what can a 2 year old do? i said, make basic conversation, walk, run etc etc, and he said oh, ok..like really good talking, i said not really good but basic...and he said oh, and i was like why? and he said, i want to know how young he can be before i turn him into a petrol head and get him working on the car with me and going to track days etc lmao..because the its 205 gti's 25th anniversary trip in 2 years and i wanted to take him away for it..i was like well you can take him on the trip,..and he was like wicked il get a baby recaro bucket seat .. can i take him on track then? and i was like umm NO lol

what a muppet bless him
cas xx
Awww, bless!!!! :lol: :lol:

They have no idea so they!!!
my OH is car daft he had Adele polishing the car with him at 2 years old he used to have her in the street when he had the bsm car driving it too
going to try take a pic of the one we already have and post it up shes so cute polishing the car...lol

he takes her to all the ford shows to and she loves it got a t-shirt that says ' when i grow up im gonna drive a ford with the ford logo'...lol

no doubt Colby will be the same when she starts walking

they should have been boys :lol:
hehe i think thats what is going to happen with mine hehe...im sure he will build a mini 205 gti for him lmao
DH asked a few weeks ago how old babies are when they don't cry every day. I told him we've got a few years yet ;) Think he was a bit shocked :shock:

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