I posted about my breastfeeding problems before...
Its ***really*** upsetting me now and I'm finding it difficult to deal with emotionally.
On the advice of the midwife we supplemented Meadow with formula because she was jaundiced and my milk never came in. I am expressing but am only getting about 30ml each time. Its really difficult to build up a supply and express really regularly - maybe if I did express every 2 hours I would build up a supply - am I just a rubbish person here? I mean how does everyone else manage?
So let me tell you what happens at feeding time.
I put Meadow to the breast and she is hungry and she enthusiastically sucks ... but I have problems latching her. If I'm extremely lucky to get a latch, one of two things happens. She sucks about 3 times and pulls away. Or she sucks more - like 10 or 15 times and then pulls away screaming in frustration as though she isn't getting any milk.
This just crushes me emotionally. I feel so inadequate that I can't feed my baby. I HATE her sucking at my breast and then pulling away because she isn't getting enough.
I honestly think that she is used to the bottle and the reason she pulls away is that she is used to the bottle giving her milk really fast.....and my breast gives her milk much much more slowly (when I express it drips rather than flows).
This is really starting to get me down big time.
ALSO....I just saw a thread here about babies at 2 weeks sleeping more at night like 4 or 5 hours at night. Meadow doesn't - she wakes every 2 hours all night long. I'm SO JEALOUS of the people whose baby sleeps a few hours at night. I'm so tired.
At night I feel I can't offer her the breast because she screams and I just can't cope with it in the middle of the night (neither can my OH).
I feel so despondent. The BF counsellor (NCT) is useful but she can only help me try and get a latch. But when Meadow does latch we have the whole pulling away frustrated thing....
I really want to breastfeed and I feel like a failure. I am giving her tiny amounts of expressed milk via a bottle at the moment and the rest is formula.
QUESTION: People on here who have been successful talk about persevering at the breast even if the baby cries. Like letting her cry and keep offering her the breast and don't resort to formula. I don't know if I can do that....but I'd like comments on what you think. Is this the only option? Just offering her the breast as a kind of "this is all there is" option and then she'll have to feed off me because thats the only way she'll get the food?
I keep crying a lot and if I try the breast and it doesn't work then I cry again.
I posted about my breastfeeding problems before...
Its ***really*** upsetting me now and I'm finding it difficult to deal with emotionally.
On the advice of the midwife we supplemented Meadow with formula because she was jaundiced and my milk never came in. I am expressing but am only getting about 30ml each time. Its really difficult to build up a supply and express really regularly - maybe if I did express every 2 hours I would build up a supply - am I just a rubbish person here? I mean how does everyone else manage?
So let me tell you what happens at feeding time.
I put Meadow to the breast and she is hungry and she enthusiastically sucks ... but I have problems latching her. If I'm extremely lucky to get a latch, one of two things happens. She sucks about 3 times and pulls away. Or she sucks more - like 10 or 15 times and then pulls away screaming in frustration as though she isn't getting any milk.

This just crushes me emotionally. I feel so inadequate that I can't feed my baby. I HATE her sucking at my breast and then pulling away because she isn't getting enough.
I honestly think that she is used to the bottle and the reason she pulls away is that she is used to the bottle giving her milk really fast.....and my breast gives her milk much much more slowly (when I express it drips rather than flows).
This is really starting to get me down big time.

ALSO....I just saw a thread here about babies at 2 weeks sleeping more at night like 4 or 5 hours at night. Meadow doesn't - she wakes every 2 hours all night long. I'm SO JEALOUS of the people whose baby sleeps a few hours at night. I'm so tired.
At night I feel I can't offer her the breast because she screams and I just can't cope with it in the middle of the night (neither can my OH).
I feel so despondent. The BF counsellor (NCT) is useful but she can only help me try and get a latch. But when Meadow does latch we have the whole pulling away frustrated thing....
I really want to breastfeed and I feel like a failure. I am giving her tiny amounts of expressed milk via a bottle at the moment and the rest is formula.
QUESTION: People on here who have been successful talk about persevering at the breast even if the baby cries. Like letting her cry and keep offering her the breast and don't resort to formula. I don't know if I can do that....but I'd like comments on what you think. Is this the only option? Just offering her the breast as a kind of "this is all there is" option and then she'll have to feed off me because thats the only way she'll get the food?
I keep crying a lot and if I try the breast and it doesn't work then I cry again.