Oh dear...


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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I have woken in a foul mood this morning and have not yet spoken to Mr Ally as its obviously all his fault. Feeling really pissed off with him for a million and one reasons and i think they have just all come together this morning and i am ready to explode!!
He has been a crap support during this pregnancy, he seems to think my SPD is all in my imagination and im making a fuss about nothing. We stood talking to his parents the other day for about half an hour and i came over all faint and shakey so i asked him if we could sit down and he totally ignored me until i grabbed hold of his arm as my legs buckled. I asked him to come to my scan yesterday and he just said "Why would i want to see THAT"
Last night he sat drinking until he got totally off his face even though i have said to him that he may need to take me into hospital at any time from now on.

Dont get me wrong, he is going to be a fab dad when the baby is born, i know this cos he was the same last time i was pregnant yet is an amazing dad to our daughter. I just feel like i have gone through this totally on my own with no support or excitement from home which is starting to drag me down a little. I know i should be grateful as he has got me a fantastic new house and is doing up our old one single handed and not once moaned that i am sat on my arse all day, he is so busy i doubt he has even noticed ive not spoken to him today.

Not sure if i feel better for ranting on here but i needed to say something and if i open my mouth i may regret it at the mo!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

am on msn my lovely if you wanna go rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr some more xxxxxx
That would really annoy me too. I would have a talk to him and let him know that you are disappointed in his lack of excitement about the baby. Did you say he doesn't want to come to the scans? That sucks, it is half his DNA too :hug:
He's having a laugh isnt he?

Sit him down and ask him what the problem is, tell him you would appreciate his support and want to make him more involved...

:hug: Sorry to hear you feel pats hon

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