Hey girls, sorry this has taken so long. So! I was due to have my third pessary inserted at 6.30am this morn but unfortunately the ward round didn't happen til 10.30! Pessary was inserted by the doc and it wasn't comfortable but did start to cause some minor contractions at about 7-8 mins apart.
I was checked again at 5.30pm this evening and was approx 1cm dilated (26hrs after the first pessary) and the doc managed to do a sweep. It appears to have worked a little as my contractions are now 3 in ten minutes so approx 3.5mins apart.
I'm now swithering between getting checked again before bed and if nothing has happened taking a sleeping tablet or leaving the check til morning so I'm not disappointed.
Also, I've bn advised that by morning it should be possible to break my waters so fx x