offered a council house


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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we are in a 2 bed flat with 3 kids as my neice lives with us aswell and yesterday we were offered a 3 bed council house. i should be over the moon but the only thing is it's 7 miles out of town and it means alot more travelling and i may have to change my sons school. on the plus side it has got a small garden so we could do bbq's!!i should be excited but i'm just dissapointed that we have to move out of town.
Hi hun,

Thats GREAT news!! I know you say its out of town but its still a fantastic opportunity. Maybe decide on 1 or 2 days a week that you want to make a trip into town to get everything and make a super day of it.

Do you need to use public transport or do you have a car you can use? Just think its the perfect opportunity to decide on some nice colours to decorate your new house with, your neice will be very excited with her new room, how old is she?

Also now that you have a garden as you said you can have bbq's and a play area for the children. Its more private and its your own space. No more communial gardens to hang your washing in!

I dont know how it works with schools, having one closer to home will be better for the children if you dont drive, that way you can take a nice stroll down the road to their new school. Im sure making friends will be easy for them, after the first week or so everything will settle down, and let the kids know they can still see their old friends, even come round for a party in your new garden!

I hope it all works out well for you and you enjoy your new house.

Tiggy xxx
its north tawton so only a little village. Ur right it is a good oppurtunity,my neice is 16 so its still going to b a tight squeeze in a 3 bed when the new baby comes along as the 2 boys will have to share like they are now and my neice will have her own room n the baby will have to stay in with us untill we find room!i am a excited,just nervous aswell as i've lived in this flat for 9 years but i will be so glad to move also as we've been waiting for a garden for years!!cant wait to have our own bbq and finally get to do some gardening!
That's where I used to live!! The primary school is really good and it's a nice village, obv not as big as Oke but it's really nice!!
an update...we went to see house today n are def gonna take it,its not as small as i thought n quite nice really. need to go on the scrounge for boxes now!god where do i start,theres so much to do?!lol :sleep:

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