Off Topic-DH new job :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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oh god my day just went from bad to worse - got home from work and DH had an awful 2nd day in his new job. Is doing a job completely different to what he had been doing in his previous company, which would be fine if the company gave him training!
They basically ran things through over the course of 1.5 days and then said "right, tomorrow its over to you". This happened this evening. He was in tears when he picked me up from the station. He has finally calmed down a bit but is so worried. He is going to call his managers into a meeting tomorrow and explain that he is a bit out of his depth and needs more help. But he is petrified that they are just going to turn around and say well sorry,thats the job deal with it or leave. I have tried to tell him that I am sure it wont come to that but he's not entirely convinced.
He took suck a risk with this job - leaving a company he has been with for a long time where he had no prospects to taking this job at a 50% pay cut almost but its something he really wants to do. Explained in the interview his knowledge was limited but would love a chance with them etc. They agreed to take him on as a junior (they were advertising for seniors) but have put him in a job different to the one he was offered. he was told this would be a small part of his job so he was happy enough with that, as its all experience at the end of the day. He is just so worried that he has made the wrong decision and completely F***ed things up.
The poor lamb - in the 10 years we have been together, I have only seen him cry twice.
I have told him to call a meeting tomorrow, explain that he feels he can do the role but just needs a bit more training (he thinks just a couple of days shadowing people and practising etc) and really wants to work for them etc. I told him that logically it should be fine - the guy who interviewed him knew he had little experience so that I think the has just been a bit of cross wires and that the people he is now working directly with have not been informed properly of his ability/experience etc. Hes just not sure what they will say as the people who would need to train them are up to their eyes with work at the moment and barely have a free minute.
Im praying all goes well for him tomorrow - my stomach is in knots :( :pray:
Sorry for the rant but there is nobody else I can talk to at the moment.
Hopefully in 24 hours I will be on here updating that everything has turned out fine
How awful. I'm sure they would rather he did a great job after a bit more training rather than bluff his way through without help! xx
thats what I said to him... that they would rather he be honest and ask for help than wasting their time as well as his own!
It's so hard to see that though when you're in despair isn't it. The majority of managers would see him asking for help as a good thing and I think he will come home tomorrow a different person xx
I hope so... it was such a dream job for him. Close to home doing exactly what he wants to do with his life. And yesterday he had a great start - learning about the company and discovering the little nice things that they do for staff etc so he really has his heart set on working there.
That must be a worry, open communication is the best way to deal with it I think - good luck x
I agree with everything you've told him to do, but I totally understand how nerve racking it must be for him to try snd explain the situation to the people he's working with. I hope that he is able to talk things through with his team and everything works out for high if you. Like cosmicgirl says they surely want him to be able to do the best job possible.
How awful for him :( I can't imagine they can possibly mind him asking for more training or to shadow someone for a couple of days. If he'd been fully trained and doing the job for 6 months you'd understand them not being too happy if he wasn't sure what he was doing, but I'm not sure how they can possibly expect anyone in his position to do it on their own on their second day! Really hope tomorrow goes ok :hug:
When I first started my job my manager said she would rather explain something 6 times over so I got it than me feel like I couldn't ask for help and I'm sure this would be the case with most bosses. Though I still got petrified if I didn't know something so I can sympathise completely! Good luck to him x
Thank u so much girls. He felt a little bit more positive this morning when I left home. I told him that it must just be crossed wires, that the guy who interviewed him has not fully explained his experience and they think he has done this job before. I also said that Im sure they would rather train him up for a couple of days than go thru the whole process of letting hi go and starting interviews again - the role they have him doing is one they have created but would want to continue on with. I just hope Im rite!
Definitely get him to ask, as long as he says it in a positive way then they will prob see it as positive. If it helps my hubbie does a training matrix when he trains people so once they have been fully trained on something then it gets signed by both him and the employer and then you can see what he needs training etc. Might be worth suggesting it to him?
Thanks for that MrsN... I will mention that to him tonite x
Phew! Got a text from DH and things are alot better today. From what I understand one of the other guys started going through things with him when he got in this morning without him even having to ask. So, he is alot happier... hopefully it lasts!
thanks for all ur support xxxx
jomc - glad hes having a better day!! scary in new job but glad its all right now x

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