off to the doctors today


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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have to go to the doctor instead of the midwife as she is only in on a Tuesday, think I may have sciatica, & really need something sorted out about it, was sick with pain last night.

Any other ladies had/got sciatica? could you tell me what your pain is like & what you do to help it?

Baths & massages really don't help mind & don't know what to do now, so painful xx
I've apparently had sciatica for the last 5 years (crap doctor!) I've had no tests she just decided that's what it was. Apparently there is nothing she can do to help me. (I gave up after about 2 years of back and forth and still no help) I find that those curaheat heat patches help ease the pain.

My pain is like a trapped nerve in the very bottom of my back (almost in the bum) it can get worse at anytime (sitting or standing) and sometimes my leg collapses completely and I end up on the floor (unless I can grab hold of anything in time!) But like I say I've got a crap doctor and I'm not even convinced it is sciatica...!
Hi Hun, I have had a bad back & sciatica since Christmas, sometimes really bad another times just aching. The bottom of my back aches all the time. Sometimes I have stabbing pains in one buttock. Got referred for phisio but had to wait about a month. Phisio was ok but she only showed me some exercises. Doesn't help much. She said any back pain in pregnancy is reffred to as SPD. Its due to pregnancy hormones making your joints move apart to accommodate the baby and give birth. Some peoples move a bit to much and causes pain. I struggled on at work till a few weeks ago then got signed off sick. It is amazing how much it clears up with lots of rest.

I find cold then hot on my back helps. I use a sports cold compress first that you put in the freezer, then a lavender wheat cushion that you put in the microwave, but to be honest total rest is the only thing that really helps.

Are you working at the moment?
No not working, and resting most of the time anyway, but still really sore, and is always worse at night time if I have been sitting for too long. I really want it to go away, its so painful :( xx

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