Off to the docs...


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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OMG I can't wait to be well again.

Now my ears are blocked and I can't hear properly at all. It's horrible and I feel v sorry for myself lol

Just one thing after another. Tore a muscle in my stomach week before last, pulled my shoulder muscle over the weekend and now I'm deaf. I think my OH wish he was deaf though so he couldn't hear all the moaning lol

You poor thing Maria! Hope you feel better soon xx
You poor thing!! Hoping the docs manage to sort your ear out xx
Oh I had this with LO it was bloody awful lasted like 3 weeks! Hope there is something they can do!
Am back, only good thing about seeing the nurse instead of a doctor is no waiting lol

She said it's mucus (sp?). The last cold I had was 3 weeks ago and my nose hasn't stopped running since then, in the mornings it makes me sick, literally as it runs down my throat (sorry tmi lol) and also from the pneumonia stuff is still coming up n out and because I can't use decongestants there's nothing she can do :cry:

Mrs.s - 3 weeks? Am scared lol, was hoping it would start to break up within 3 days lol Hopefully LO will be out soon and then I can actually use something to try break it up.

Feel so miserable today, it's all too much. Haven't been well for ages, aches n pains everywhere. Feel like my body is giving up now lol (drama queen haha)

Just before I left for docs I had a massive kick really low down so am kind of hoping that baby is breech again, have scan and consultant tomorrow for follow up on the excess fluid so if she is I'm gonna tell them I want a date for a section so at least I know the end is in sight! Don't relaly want a section, but I can't take anymore.

Sorry to hear you're soo poorly, I know its difficult with another LO already but can you get some time to rest and get better? xx
Ahh I really feel for you hun you haven't had it easy have you! I wish I could tell you it wasnt that long but it was hopefully it will clear up quicker for you! It made me so miserable!

Fingers crossed LO is here soon and it all over I feel your pain!
Sorry to hear you're soo poorly, I know its difficult with another LO already but can you get some time to rest and get better? xx

That's what the nurse (well everyone really lol) was just telling me to do. I said LO is at his Nanna's on Tuesday mornings, and nursery 2 other mornings a week but the rest of the time I have him, plus the house to look after. Not much time for resting. OH reckons I get enough rest :wall2: I said if I am so rested why on earth am I constantly ill and muscles going all over the place? Urgh MEN lol
Oh no :( It's horrible being ill when you're pregnant and looking after a little one too. Have they given you anything for your ear? I've had a blocked ear for a few days, (I'm prone to it, narrow tubes in my ears or something!) and Boots own brand of otex has helped a bit.

I can completely understand why you would want a section. I'm terrified of having one but with everything that's going on I feel like i've had enough and want the end to come sooner rather than later!

Sending you a big :hug: Hope things get better xx
Thanks Baby Elmo. The nurse said there is nothing I can do, can't use decongestants during pregnancy. I looked up Otex and it says for ear wax, but wax isn't a problem it's mucus (nice lol). Hopefully baby will evacuate soon and I can use something to try and clear it out coz it's driving me nuts.

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