Off to see the MW


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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I wonder which one it will be today?

Will it be MW1 who ends every sentence with "Gorgeous"

Or perhaps it will be MW2 "The baby's nowhere near engaged" despite the consultant confirming he's VERY low down and engaged...

Or will it be MW3 "I dont work on this team, hmm yes, hmmm yes, bye"

:rotfl: That made me chuckle......don't know which one would be worst?!

Hope all went well anyway, Gorgeous, and that the baby either has head engaged or not, although I don't work on this team so hmmmmmm yes, bye!

And our survey say: Uh Uh!!
And the winner was MW2 yay!

Thought I'd ask her where I'm supposed to go when I go into labour. Got a puzzled look and "Didnt you have your daughter there?" Errr that was over 14 years ago, where I had my DD is now the eye unit :?

Now have directions....

Asked do they have a CD player there, "Yes I think there might be one there somewhere"
Now thats encouraging! I think I will rip my Engima CD to MP3 just in case :wall:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Well you could always try turning up at the eye unit and saying your MW sent you.......

MP3 sounds like a great idea! Have you been on a tour of the unit? We were and they pointed out the cd players in the rooms to us which was handy.
No havent been offered one neither was Kellie. MW2 said yesterday that they will be arranging a tour "In a few weeks" if I wanted to come. Errr HELLO!!! :doh:
*sigh* Hope she really can count better than that....

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