off to see the midwife this morning


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I need lots of crossed fingers;

1) my blood pressure is in normal range so I dont get taken hostage (admitted) until the birth

2) baby is still cephalic

3) baby's head is engaged

4) my midwife agrees with my birth plan!

Ill let you guys know how it goes. Im off to do some last minute tidying in case I dont get to come home again :pray: (I know Im being dramatic but im so worried about it!)

good luck!! :) im sure everything will be fine x
i have the midwife this afternoon :)

Best wishes to you m'dear will be thinking of you, do update us soon xx
gud luck, sure u'll be fine and back on here 2nite xx
Good Luck Tiny
Keep us posted and hope they don't take you hostage :lol:
Okay well Im a free woman! :yay: BP was a little high but less on a repeat and she was happy to set me free :)

Baby still cephalic, and has been for about 4 weeks so Im guessing hes perfectly happy and comfy in there.

BUT his head is still completely free, not even slightly engaged at all. Theyre counting this as my 37 week appointment as I change over tuesdays and clinic is a monday theyve just jumped a day every time. So now theyre all :eh:" ooh" "Im just gonna get my colleague to check" :confused: "yep yep definately still free, 37weeks?!hmmmm"

Now Im totally worried. Theyre gonna ring the hospital and see if they want to see me to check my pelvis. Im a bit worried cos I havent told them I had a growth hormone problem when I was a preschooler and now my legs are disporportionately short to the rest of my body cos they didnt grow for a year. Now Im worried theres something wrong with my pelvis, although it has been said int he past that I have "child bearing hips" Im quite hourglass shaped so I never imagined this would happen. :wall:

I need every tip in the book to get baby's head engaged by next monday so things dont kick off, consultant led care is really gonna mess up my birth plan, plus, all the positive thinking and "my body is perfectly normal and able to give birth" is crumbling by the second :cry:
Oh hun im sure everything will be ok. at least they are on the case now.

My baby isnt even head down so at least yours is trying ;)

There is still loads of time hun try not to worry over it, head is down thats the important thing x
Try not to worry too much tiny - between my 36 and 38 week appointment my baby has gone from free to 4/5ths engaged so keep the faith x
okay, I think Im gonna go for a walk, up and down the stairs a lot, thats supposed to do it right?! Scrubbing floors, is that to get baby to turn cephalic or engage? I cant remember, but i have grubby floors so maybe I should do it anyway!
Bouncing on a birthing ball or on the corner of your bed, walking and keeping up right will help I imagine xx
oh and kneeling down with your knees really wide apart, your bum on your feet and leaning slightly forward xxx
There is still time - don't panic too much hun - glad everything else went well x

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