Off to New York


Aug 5, 2008
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This weekend for 5 days. Now 22 weeks gone. Don't know how i'm going to cope over in The Big Apple as i can well iamgine i'm going to be on my feet for most of the time shopping and sightseeing.

Has anyone else been over to NY while pregnant. How did you cope?
I haven't but just wanted to say im soo jealous of u going shopping in new york! :(
That is sooooo not fair i am totally jelous lol hope you have a lovely time
I'm jealous and i've only just got back from a holiday!!

I've been to New York but not while preggers and you probably will walk around alot but i seem to remember cabs weren't too pricey (but then i did go a few years ago now) and they have a metro too. At 22 weeks you should be ok, not too big, are you feeling ok at the moment energy wise? Hopefully you'll have lots for shopping LOADS as there are soooo many shops and good sightseeing to do! You'll have so much fun!

Just take regular rests and stop at the many coffee shops for a break when you need and get someone to carry all your shopping (even if you are ok, blame it on the pregnancy he he he)!

Weather should be similar to here so take some warm clothes. For the flight if you have space in hand luggage i'd recomend an extra pillow or something to support your bump if you try to get some sleep on the plane for your side as i was a little uncomfy after 7 hours in various different positions, but not too bad at all really!

Have fun!!!
I am soooooo jealous. I booked flights for my mum's 60th last Jan before I knew I was pregnant. I would have been 10 weeks when we were due to go but had heavy bleeding at 8 weeks and was advised not to fly by doc :( . I said we will go in a few years.

I flew at 20 weeks and was fine, just make sure you walk around the plane often and drink plenty of water.

Have a great time.
Just enjoy it - you will be fine. NY is such a wonderful and vibrant city, and the shopping is amazing especially around Xmas (I have spent about 3 months there in total as used to work over there a lot). It will be pretty cold now though so take lots of jumpers!

I also went on holiday at 20 weeks with no problems at all!!

Have lots of fun!

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