OFF TO HOZ TODAY (BOOKING IN ETc(updated with downs result!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hi Ladies :wave: Hope your all well and baby's are behaving themselves :D :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im off to hospital today to see what Care i am going to receive this pregnancy.

With both my boys i was induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure and admitted with both prior to induction, but with tia i was absolutely fine :?

Im worried because of my age that they might want me to have hopital based care instead of community with the local midwives :( , With tia i was allowed community care as long as i saw the midwife every week which was really nice because i built up a lovely relationship with them all.

I really dont want to have hospital care as its a 15 mile drive through city centre and the car parks are bloody diabolical!!! I really want to have the lovely home midwives :pray: :pray:

Also im due the downs test now do you think they will do it at the hospital while im there instead of a trek to the surgery at home? I hope so :pray: :pray:

Wish me luck lady's please i think i may need it this time :pray: :pray: :( xx

Hope everthing works out for you. I'm sure if you explain your reasons and what they did for you last time then it should be ok. They offered me the downs test at the hospital so hope you get it sorted.

Grace xx
soooooooooooooo................ how did it go?

did you get your downs test at the hosp?
Hi sam :wave:

It Went really well apart from the consultant going on about my high bmi (darent say what it is) :oops:

She said i will need to see midwife at home :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: one week and doc the next as i thought so i will be kept a close eye on. I have to have extra scans too :cheer: to check baby's growth isnt compromised if my bp goes up at 28 weeks and 34 weeks.

Yes she did do my triple test which i didnt even feel :shock: and said i will get the results in 4-5 days which i thought was pretty quick :shock:

The funny thing was she said because of my "size" that she didnt think she would be able to find the heartbeat with a sonicaid si she gave me a quick scan instead to check, so i got to see bubs again!!!! :cheer: :cheer: Only thing is though ive been finding the heartbeat myself since 12 weeks with my angel sounds and she was sposed to be a consultant :roll: :roll:

All in all good news really and the same care i had with my little princess :hug: :hug:
kayzee said:
It Went really well apart from the consultant going on about my high bmi (darent say what it is) :oops:
il tell you mine if you tell me yours :wink: :lol:

im glad that you get extra scans etc. I miss that reassurance this time around (although it didn't start till much later on).

Glad you are being monitored, but if all goes well are going to get the same level of care as you did with Tia. :hug:
hey hun so pleased its all working out well for you hun and you got what you wanted :hug: :hug:
Sam&Alice said:
kayzee said:
It Went really well apart from the consultant going on about my high bmi (darent say what it is) :oops:
il tell you mine if you tell me yours :wink: :lol:


Cool to have got an extra scan out of it! I've had no problems finding my babe's heartbeat with an Angel Sounds either- and from really early on too...?

Glad you get the care you want. :hug:
Hi just a quick update ive got my result back from my downs test already, its only been 3 days :shock: :shock: and it says my result is 1/789 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Yay!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: im so happy it was a real worry cos of my age and my"size" :oops: :) but one less thing to worry about eh? xx

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