Off the bottle by 1yr old


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I've got myself a bit upset as I was reading why LO's should be off the bottle by 1yr old or as close to it as possible. Anyway, Isaac has a cup with every solids meal, and also one to play with throughout the day. He loves cups, and mimics us when we drink from a cup but he will not drink from one by himself if there's anything in it. We've given him spouted cups, and if we tip it he'll drink a tinyt amount, but not by himself, but that isn't a cup really, it still has a teat type function of sucking, I'm just at a loss as to where to go to help him use a cup and enjoy it :think: There is also the problem of what he drinks, he won't drink anything but milk. I'm not bothered about him learning fast, his pace is fine, but I just feel I may need some Mummy advice on this one as we don't seem to be getting from cup to drank :lol:

Any experience, suggestions, greatly appreciated :hug: :hug: :hug:
Nathans almost 14 months now and he still won't drink out of any thing other than his bottle and it has to be warm milk. I'm not that bothered yet though. I remember Aimee was the same, I tried almost every style of cup I could find but in the end I just think she wasn't ready yet. She eventually started using her cup at 18 months. It was another couple of months after that till she would drink her milk out of it though.
Maia is the same, and I conclude that its because she's not physically ready.

If I give her a cup (me holding!) with a thick yoghurty type drink in she will drink it and swallow fine. If its water or juice she coughs and splutters!

If I give her a spouted beaker then she drinks a little, after which it just becomes a toy.

It reminds me of when I was nursing and we had to give stroke patients water with thickener in because their swallow was inadequate. So i think she's not developed enough yet in that respect.

Emotionally however, she wants all her regular milk feeds in a bottle and god forbid i try and give them from any other vessel!
Stick to what your happy with Amy and Issac. Lots of babies will not drink from a spouted cup till around 2 yrs, and my stephen was emotionally not realy to drop the bottle till h was 3 (autim we think though).

Just let him have his bottle but encourage him to drink from the cup and mayne make a gme of it so its fun for him. Though he probably wont want to do this for a ewhile yet.

Dont worry about it.Issac being happy matters thats all.
I dont read these articles anymore, they put such an immense amount of pressure on some mums. Sure, there will be babies capable of drinking from a cup by 1, good for them :D

I dont know what you can do to get him to drink juice though. jessica point blank refuses to drink anything except fresh orange (wee bugger, diluting was good enough for me :shakehead: )

Joe drinks wee amounts of some juice but has this annoying habit of turning the cup upside down and soaking his dinner.

The cups I used for these were ones that werent anti spill. Maybe they were just lazy but if you have ever tried to drink from one of these cups you will know they are awful. I wouldnt like to drink from one when I had a thirst.

Anyway, essay over, did I say anything constructive there or is the benylinn getting to me. It said non drowsy :roll:
Agreed, these articles just stress mums out and my old hv used to bang on about stephen drinking out of a bottle till I told her to mind your business :D

Its a load of balls and just do what Issac and you are happy with :hug:
Jake still has a bottle for his milk but uses a beaker for his juice. Jake would never drink from a beaker at Isaac's age but he drinks from one fine now. I will start using a beaker for Jake's milk aswell soon but i'm not in any rush.
I agree with Laura. Those articles just stress me out so much and I just end up thinking about all the things I haven't achieved and 'should have' instead of remembering all the great things that we've done together.

I'm having the same problems with Tom and spoke to my HV about it and she said not to worry at all. In fact, she said that there's no way he's still going to be drinking out of a bottle when he's at school so at some point he will make the switch and to just relax and let it happen when it happens.

I do seem to have had a bit of a breakthrough with this sippy cup though and Tom now takes his water from this during the day... ... ack-o.html

This is an American website but I got ours from Tesco I think.

Lxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lola won't drink from a sippy cup. The only way i can get her to drink water/juice is if i put it in this ... 4_months_/

I have to take the top off and pretend to drink some first then she will have it. If i don't pretend to drink it first she will just turn her head away and refuse :roll:.

She just can't seem to figure out how to get it out with the top on but manages fine without it :)
Lola's Mummy said:
Lola won't drink from a sippy cup. The only way i can get her to drink water/juice is if i put it in this ... 4_months_/

I have to take the top off and pretend to drink some first then she will have it. If i don't pretend to drink it first she will just turn her head away and refuse :roll:.

She just can't seem to figure out how to get it out with the top on but manages fine without it :)

jacks got this cup too and has been drinking water from it since 6 months, and basically we just kept trying his milk in it every now and again and one day he just suddenly started drinking his milk from it as well. but i guess we were just lucky ( he was just under a year)

but if he'd still wanted his bottle we would have let him till he was ready not to :hug: :hug:

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