Off on hols next week - any advice?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
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We are off to Florida for 2 weeks on Wed and I have stocked up on factor 30 and 40 suncream. I don't intend lying in the sun for long baking, but is there anything else I need to be aware of, given that it's going to be HOT HOT HOT!! ??

Thanks in advance!
I'm very jealous... have a lovely time.
My bro just gone to Miami today on hols - he's a pilot for BA - and got himself upgraded to 1st Class. Txt me at 9am today saying he's there sipping champagne. :cry:
Have a wicked time!!

I'm not jelous.... :shakehead: lol :lol:

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and keep yourself cool!
Kylie1007 said:
I'm very jealous... have a lovely time.
My bro just gone to Miami today on hols - he's a pilot for BA - and got himself upgraded to 1st Class. Txt me at 9am today saying he's there sipping champagne. :cry:

Thanks - really looking forward to it :D We are also flying with BA - my husband flies a lot for business, so has accrued enough airmiles for us to go 1st class both ways - one of only perks of him travelling a lot for work. We are flying to Miami Wed morning, then heading down the Keys for a couple of weeks - will be lovely just to switch off and relax :D
Remember to wear flight socks on the flight- i think you can get a pair or two free from your gp when pregnant.
Enjoy your holiday.... Drink LOTS AND LOTS of STILL WATER (not fizzy juice) on the flight..helps with circulation and also try to get an aisle you can walk as often as possible to the loo..... keep your legs moving as much as possible when sitting too... this helps prevent DVT.... But most of all.. Enjoy the break..... Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
* Drink plenty of fluids while there (it's great your going to FL, safe for hygiene, tap water etc)
* Try to avoid the mid-day sun
* Rest as much as possible during the day
* Remember the amniotic fluid is already warmer than body temperature (hense why preg women feel so hot all the time) and that if you start overheating it's bad for LO as they can't sweat or escape the heat, so stay under sun brollys on the beach etc
* Wear flight socks while travelling
* Move around during the flight don't sit/lay still for the 7 hours
* I know it's EARLY days but pack you maternity notes in your handluggage, you just never know what might happen even a trip or fall can then be recorded properly
* Take paracetamol with you, it's not something they sell in straight format version over there and if you develop a bad headache or something you'll want to have something to hand to take without risking their more unknown brands.
* Research the nearest hospital/clinic to your hotel (with maternity unit) just incase 'anything' happens.

I'd just say though, go, have a great time, be sensible and you'll be fine I'm sure...your travelling at the best time to travel although if you will be at or over the 20 week marker on your return from FL I'd check with BA that they don't want a medical certificate (from your GP) saying your ok to fly...BA staff on the American side might have different rules to this than the UK staff so check both ends - it's nothing to carry an extra slip of paper with you if it's going to be needed. I can't remember how many weeks you are but some airlines want them from 20 weeks, others 24 and most won't let you fly after 28. Worth just checking thought.
Thanks for the replies :D

Have got my notes, paracetamol, and details of local hospitals all packed. We checked with BA and our travel insurance a few weeks ago, and they don't need any info before 26 weeks. Flying 1st class, so nice comfy beds - but I will remember to walk around a bit as well. Haven't got any flight socks, but BA will supply.

Getting excited now!

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