back from my hols........ and I've hit 24 weeks!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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:cheer: :cheer:

I'm back from my hol to Cyprus last week and to be honest it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting..... Luckily we had our own provate villa (booked before we got pg) so I could spend all day just lounging around in the pool because it was WAY too hot to even be in the shade!!! 36 degrees most days! nightimes were horrid though because the temperature didn't go any lower than 28 :? :? despite that we had a lovely time and I've really chilled out. Had a very wierd thing with my bump though........ I go my bump out in the sun on the 2nd day and when I went in at night you could see where I had caught the sun on it.....all apart from a 1 inch band down the middle of my bump that was still gleaming white!! I didn't get my bump out many days and it's still there now......I really can't explain it, it's very wierd!

To top it off..... I hit 24 weeks on Tuesday :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I now have a viable baby :dance: :dance: :dance:

Howz everyone else been while I've been away?? Have I missed anything exciting????
:wave: Chrissy!
Glad you had a good time! :D
That is weird about your bump! hehe

:cheer: for 24 weeks! :dance:

Errr, exciting news, well I've heard my babys heartbeat (thats exciting news for me anyway!) oh and you might want to check out off topic as there is some new there about the forum being updated next week so its offline for a day!
choklatemunky said:
:wave: Chrissy!
Glad you had a good time! :D
That is weird about your bump! hehe

:cheer: for 24 weeks! :dance:

Errr, exciting news, well I've heard my babys heartbeat (thats exciting news for me anyway!) oh and you might want to check out off topic as there is some new there about the forum being updated next week so its offline for a day!

:shock: :cry: :x Offline for a day!!! OMG I'll check it out now.

:cheer: :cheer: yay for you hearing your baby's really is the best thing ever when you hear it for the first time. Was it on a doppler or did the MW find it for you???
choklatemunky said:
:wave: Chrissy!
Glad you had a good time! :D
That is weird about your bump! hehe

:cheer: for 24 weeks! :dance:

Errr, exciting news, well I've heard my babys heartbeat (thats exciting news for me anyway!) oh and you might want to check out off topic as there is some new there about the forum being updated next week so its offline for a day!

:shock: :cry: :x Offline for a day!!! OMG I'll check it out now.

:cheer: :cheer: yay for you hearing your baby's really is the best thing ever when you hear it for the first time. Was it on a doppler or did the MW find it for you???
Well I went to the Drs about something unrelated (hayfever) and mentioned in passing about some pains I had just to check if it was normal (Dr said it was ligament pains which was fine) but then unexpectedly got the doppler out and found it for me! I was so happy! :D I had ironically ordered a doppler the day before and it was waiting for me when I got in from work that day and so Hubby got to hear it too (on the same day I did which was nice!). I've used it a couple of times since as I just love hearing that sound! Can't wait to feel movements - there have been a few things where Ive thought, hmm, thats not normal it might be LO but not been 100% sure so Im waiting for that first definite movement....
congratulations, ill be so relieved wen i hit 24weeks :D
Glad you had a nice holiday Chrissie and congrats on your viable baby! :cheer:

S x
Congrats on 24 wks! I read about something called 'mask of pregnancy', I can't actually remember the detail :oops: basically its something do to with changes to pigmentation during pregnancy, sorry I'm not much help at all!

Glad you coped ok with the heat, we are off to Tenerife on Monday & I'm a bit worried about it being too hot. I will make sure spend most of the week lazying in the pool :D

Nice to have you back :hug:
Hi Chrissy :wave: Good to have you back. Glad that you had a lovely holiday. Not long until we move into tri 3! - ahrrr!
Congrats on 24 weeks :cheer:

Your holiday sounds lovely, glad you had a relaxing time :D Strange about your non tanned bit!
aww congrats hun!! im off on holiday tonight!! woooooo! wheres the time going!! i cant wait to sun my bump hehe ... i had to say something ... but its gone now :rotfl: xx
Yay for you hun!! That is great! :D

Ooh your hol sounds lovely even if far too hot for me!! :D

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