Off my food


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Anyone else not really feeling like eating?

When I was in first trimester I lost my appetite quite alot due to the sickness and although im eating more now i'm still just not hungry and when i am i start eating and get full up really quick.

I have the odd moment when i feel really hungry and go for it, but not often and generally eating less than i was before pregnant.

Anyone the same or any possible reasons?
I feel the same, at the weekend I was starving a ate all day long but today I am not fussed, I am not sure why we feel like this but at least we won't pile on loads of weight!!!! They say you only need around 300 extra calories a day, I am just trying to eat healthier x
Im exactly the same :hug: I ate like a pig at the weekend and drank like a fish (water) and today i feel so sick its like everything is making me heave :puke: My mouths all watery like im gonna chunder i darent even drink at the moment. It seems to come in waves sometimes i feel so good i hardly feel preggers but today its like its all come at once :( :hug: :hug:
Im exactly the same!!

I have to force myself to eat some days.

Im just never hungry, although sometimes im literally STARVING!! its wierd lol xx
carrying twins ive run out of room now for food lol so i never have an appetite at all :(
i try and make what i do eat count veg fruit cereal etc xxxxx

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