Off his food


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Oliver has been off his food for the last couple of days which is most unusual for him. He has his milk and his weetabix but doesn't seem to want lunch or tea! :( He ate a yogurt for lunch but took him ages when he would normally gobble it down! I pureed his tea right down and he ate about 3 mouthfuls and then refused to open his mouth! Do you think this could be teething? He has a runny nose which is normal for him teething but has never gone off his food - am getting a bit worried so any help will be much appreciated.

Keeley's going thru the exaclty the same thing :?

She is completey off her food... i have put it down to her gettin more teeth.

I spoke to my hv about it and she said it was normal

Hopefully it wil pass soon :pray: :hug:
oh bless his heart must be awful for him :hug:

As nic said it deffo sounds like teeth, tia was exactly the same and had really bad nappies :puke:

Mind you one of my boys was the same and it got worse and worse, turned out at 4 weeks old he had tonsillitis and it was hurting him to swallow :shock:

Hope the little mite feels better soon :hug: :hug:
Jamie goes through these sorts of phases too & I think its related to teething. I guess sometimes they just don't fancy anything to eat or aren't hungry?? :think:
Thanks girls :hug: He seems to have a really bad nappy in the evening before he has a bath - it's really awful :puke: He's happy in himself and is playing and everything so don't think it's anything more than his teeth. Am taking him to be weighed anyway tomorrow so think I'll mention to the HV and see what she says just in case. Am going to try him on a sandwich tomorrow and see how he gets on with that :pray:

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