October 3rd baby

Hiya Susan

How are things going?

My baby is due the 5th October....I don't know what I'm having but my gut feeling is a little girl!

Hope you and baby are well.
Hey Susan,
Snap Im due the 3rd of Oct as well!
Im keeping a pregnancy diary on the 'Pregnancy Buddies' section as well if your interested in comparing notes!

Looks like the three of us have a race on loL!
Hey Cat

I love reading your diary - It is nice to have someone so close in their pregnancy to compare things with. I didn't want to mess up your diary though and post in it!

Maybe I should start a diary....seems a bit late though now lol!

Do you know what your having Cat?

Chat to you soon
I am due Oct 3rd too. Having a girl. Just got 4d Ultrasound done last week. It is awesome to see her sweet little face.[/img]
No idea what Im having, other than a baby, (although I did have a weird dream where I gave birth to a Cat!)

Not long to go now last month!!! will be starting on the rasberry leaf tablets as 36 weeks!

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