Occular migraine


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2014
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Anyone else get these? I have them connected to hormone levels, so it makes sense that I had a horrible one yesterday. I'm really lucky that I don't get pain, but vision, balance and speech are affected and I feel really sick. Leaves me totally washed out after.

Kind of annoyed because I used to have them fairly frequently, then they figured out it was the pill causing them. So haven't really had one for a few years, now. Really hoping this won't become a feature of my pregnancy as it's quite debilitating - but then, I haven't had much in the way of morning sickness, just tiredness and breathlessness (and bowling-ball boobs), so can't complain, really!
Omg i posted on my journal and Sept mums about how rough I've been with a migraine last night and today! They're awful, I'm literally good for nothing. Need to get dinner started soon and really don't want to move!

Hope you don't get them regularly throughout your pregnancy x
Thanks, FP - good to hear someone understands how awful it is! Have you been getting them more or less since BFP? x
I've only ever had a handful in my life so this is the 1st since bfp but it's been nearly 24hrs now.

What do you do to treat them? X
Nothing! The only thing that helps is lying down in a dark, quiet room and drinking water.

What do you do?
Yes, I was off work on Monday with one. Had one at 5 weeks too.
Like you, only lying down preferably in the dark helps shift it. I'm hoping they don't become a regular feature :-(
well a bath helped with the tension in my neck and shoulders. I've tried to drink lots of fluids and used one of those forehead strips x
Yes. I had a horrible on last weekend, was passed out on the couch most of Sunday. Not had one like it for a long time, mine were terrible as a teenager (i.e. hormonal as well).

Ugh, Lander, they're so horrible, aren't they?

Hope they stop for all of us!

x x
I had these when i was pregnant, never really suffered with migraines but had 4 or 5 during first 12 weeks of pregnancy. They did stop after 12 weeks tho so hopefully the same will happen with u! X
That's good that they died down. Hopefully, if I do get any more, they won't go beyond 12 weeks.

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