OC the itching thingy


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Sorry didn't even try to spell the full term for it but I hope you know what I mean by OC :rotfl:

I have been having the usual itchiness on bump and boobs that you get with all the stretching but the past few weeks I have been getting intermittent periods of itching on my hands, feet and lower legs. It isn't every day and it seems to be the tops of my hands during the day and my lower legs and tops of my feet in the evening. This evening the back of my calves have been itching like mad and I have been driving myself nuts scratching and trying to see (round my bump lol) if I have a rash or anything that would explain an itch but I don't think I do have one. I have also been getting alot of pans in my upper mid and right abdomen that are def not heartburn
I have a docs appt friday do you think I should mention it? Just with the high BP and being on a load of meds already I don't want to look like a hysteric :oops:
Yes do mention it hun, you're not being hysterical, just safe.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Definately mention it. I remember when i was pregnant, my midwife would always ask me whether i was itching or not. It may be a sign of someting bigger. Defo get it cecked out hun
I have the same as you - top of hands and wrists, feet and legs and again not all the time, usually before I go to bed and when I get up?!
I mentioned it to my friend today and she said the same to get it checked out - I'll be calling my M/W tomorrow - will let you know how I get on.

if i hadnt of been over cautious with my itching then i wouldof ended up having a prem baby and not knowing why and god knows what would have happened to either of us , u can never be too cautious im glad i was now , even at the time i said to the doctor sorry for wasting your time ! i was then admitted with a very serious condition along side OC :rotfl: ( i can laugh now but the month in hossy wasnt funny !)
please get a blood test done at your hospital asap to rule OC out,i was diagnosed with this last week after having 1 initial extremely bad night where i could not stop itching,it came on very suddenly and was diagnosed the day after by a blood test,i got the result within an hour which showed my levels were high,i am now on the relevant meds to control it and baby is being monitored well.
please do not feel you are being "hysteric" the risks to baby are higher if this is left undiagnosed,and it is in my understanding that they usually induce you if you have this condition at around 37-38 weeks. (well this is what i have been told as there is a risk of stillbirth if you are left to term)
my itching began on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet,it then began everywhere and drove me mad.the night times are much worse,i still itch now with the meds although it is more bearable.
pls let me know how you get on! :hug:
Thanks guys :hug: I have the docs at 11am so will have a word and see what she says I have been rubbing my feet on the carpet cos they itch on the bottom now too it is the weirdest feeling :rotfl: Hopefully it is just hormones and me worrying I am quite good at that :wink:
Jussy good luck please let us know how you get on too :hug:
Hi, I've got to go and have blood tests tomorrow morning. I put it off over the weekend as it didn't seem to be as bad then I thought I should get checked out. I thought the M/W would say wait till my app on Thurs but she told me to book straight in at the hosp tomorrow as I would get my results back sooner. I feel quite worried now but its best to know. Hope you are ok too :hug: :pray:
Been for tests, they found protein in my urine sample so that has gone off to be tested and had all my bloods done. I have to wait for call tomorrow if I have OC then they will have me in to monitor or if I don't hear I am to assume everything is ok. I hate playing the waiting game - I'm not very good!

Fingers crossed :pray:

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