Obstetric Cholestasis


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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I have had an itchy foot for weeks and weeks and had mentioned it to the midwife some weeks ago to be told it was nothing to worry about, well it got worse last week and this week and had the antenatal care person out yesterday as she came round to introduce herself.

Apparantly all I did while she was here ( 1 hour ) was scratch non stop, she made a comment on it, and was concerned when she saw what damage I have done to myself, I have basically scratched myself raw, arms, legs, knees, ankles.

I was told I had to ring the antenatal lot as she was worried, ( I dont get more than a couple of hours sleep at night because of it ) anyway they said I had to go and see them.

I went in the afternoon to see them and had to sit there strapped to some machine, they then wanted to take bloods, no one told me this so had no cream on and it took 3 of them to get it and now have a bruise almost to my wrist, she said that they would ring me today if there was any thing I needed to know, explained wasnt going to be at home today so dont ring house.

I went out for the day with my friend and her daughters, it was their hunts opening meet today so dropped the girls and the ponies off and then followed all day, had a brilliant day, had to bandage a horse up for someone as it had sliced its leg open and patched it off to the equine veterinary surgery as it needed a stitch up and possible surgery to flush its tendon sheath out, the hunt called it a day and met the ponies back at the lorry.

I said goodbye to my friends as their mum had to drive the lorry home, and then my phone rang, it was the midwife to say that some of my bloods had come back and confirm that I had Obstetric Cholestasis.

I now have to go to hospital tomorrow and have more bloods done and sit and be monitored while they run more tests to see what medication I need, she thinks I have it quite badly.

I then have to be put on a monitor and have bloods every week ( really not good for a seriously needle phobic person and its getting worse not better ) and would usually induce me at 38 wks ( xmas eve ) but because my fiance has no choice and has to work they will bring it forwards to 37 wks so I literally have a maximum of 6 wks left, less if I dont respond to treatment.

I am now even more terrified than I was before, no one has spoken to me about birth plans etc and I havent got a clue what to expect expect that its even more agony than if you are not induced.

It has completly ruined what was a happy day for me and those are very few at the minute.
Sorry to hear you've got OC, but look on the bright side, at least you'll get to hold your little one very soon. And inductions vary, it may not be as bad as you think - be positive:)
oh hun Im so s rry to hear you have this.... well done to the ante natal lady for spotting it tho!

I cant give you much advice but in regards to being induced, please don't stress. If you read i.loves birth story she was induced and it shows that its not always a worse labour. People are quick to give horror stories. Its a bit like that thing of people being quick to complain about something but slow to praise it.
We had a talk about it at my ante natal class and from what I gather its not that its more painful, it can just be alot faster in regards that your body doesnt build up with small contractions, it kinds speeds you up to the next stage.

Will keep my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow hun and hopefully the treatment will work for you xxx
So sorry u have OC- it's a shame they didn't take it more seriously when u first mentioned it! I hope that u respond to treatment- u never know u may go into labour naturally without having to be induced? I'm being introduced tomorrow and will def write a birth story when I get a chance so u could read that if u think it may help!......I know u have had a tough time of things recently so I hope things get better for u! It's good that they have tested u now and can keep an eye on u properly- best for u and LO in the long run xxxx

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