Obese 8 year old

I used to work for a charity that provided two free peices of fruit to each primary school kid in Edinburgh as well as setting up food co-operatives so that people on lower incomes could have access to fresh fruit and veg. Part of that was going into schools to get kids to try fruit, we used to make smoothies, kebabs etc...

It really shocked me how many 5-6 year old kids had never even tried a banana let alone the more exotic stuff!

Its a real struggle to get kids to try something new, but you've got to keep trying the food regulalry, kids taste buds actually change every 3-6 months, so foods refused initally may be liked a few months later. Perseverance is the key!

Personally, i believe this kid has an eating disorder, the treatment should be the same as annorexia, where the danger to health is treated first!
Cant they get a child lock for the fridge or something? He weighs the same as i do :shock:
I didnt see the documentary but if there is nothing medically wrong with him then i think its terrible.
I saw him and the mum on GMTV and apprantly she has depression which is why she didnt show up for doctors appointments ?!

She should be forced to do something as that kid is really going to suffer.
Some people :roll:
for under 5's now your get healthy living vouchers for £2.80 a week which you can spend on milk or fresh fruit and veg so no reason why kids shouldn't be introduced to fruit at an early age.

Cant they get a child lock for the fridge or something? He weighs the same as i do
he's heavier than me and I'm 32 weeks pg now thats shocking :shock:
i think we can safely say he is problably heavier than all of us on here :shock:
his face looks the size of my wheely bin lid for heavens sake.
poor lad! He should be taken into cre and his mother banned from having children.
I just don't get it :?

Even if a child ate all day every day it would take some doing to get like that. It MUST be some sort of mixture of over-feeding and biological condition.

It's so sad :cry:

These things make me mad, why would you let your child eat so much , i think it is teh parents fault. They should set a good example and eat healthy instead of giving him whatever he wants. Parents like this say but he wants it , but he wouldnt want it if you didnt give it to him in the first place :twisted:

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