O. M. G.

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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there's a mouse in my friggin bedroom!! my sister's been saying for ages she's been hearing something moving around in the walls and we all laughed at her. well i heard something in the wall the other week, but thought not too much of it. well i just saw it. run across my fucking floor. and then under my bed. think it's buggered off now, but i'm so scared!! i know it wont hurt me, but it best not jump into sodding bed with me!! ella had best not wake up in the night!!

btw can noone mention it on fb cos my sister will FREAK if she finds out :lol:
Aaaargh, best cure for that is a cat. Go find a stray lol.
It won't hurt you on purpose but they urinate constantly and spread nasty germs, where there is one there is usually another so i would get a cat or renokil to come out. My cat is an awesome mouser but the stoopid thing brings them into the house......alive!! So i have to keep a litlle mouse trap under the settee. I hate the little fuckers xx
We had mice every year til we got puss. He didn't catch any but the scent of him put them off even trying, they are full of germs :-(
Oh that happened to me when I was little. I was convinced it was a flower pot in the back garden scraping against the harling so got my mum out of bed to reassure me. Whilst she sat on my bed the biggest mouse ran into the middle of my bedroom, sat......looked........cleaned it's wee face, then buggered off back to the corner it came from! Turned out I had been inadvertantly feeding them on tiny bars of dairy milk that had fallen down the back of my chest of drawers!! Get the traps out, they always find cosy houses when the weather's bad! Good Luck!!
My cat is an awesome mouser but the stoopid thing brings them into the house......alive!! So i have to keep a litlle mouse trap under the settee. I hate the little fuckers xx

:lol: my cat does that too, not just mice tho, birds as well! usually he brings them in and my dog will kill them.:shock: one time tho the dog caught a live mouse and brought it into the bed, still alive and just licked it until we realised and set it free...I was asleep at the time!!!!!:shock::shock::shock:
not a chance in hell i'm getting a cat! we've got a bloody terrier tho, you think he'd put the little shits off!! gona gut my whole room tomorrow, my mum'l have to watch the girls! have got 2 traps set up, doubt it'l come back in here tho, it'll probs be curled up asleep with the dog :lol:
Id get a cat - a friends house cat?

We had one and were lucky it went not always the way though I think luckily ours was stuck in the wall and managed to get back out for not getting in but if they die in the walls now thats a pretty bad job I read and was told.

If its in the house you really have to clean everything before you use it hence its easier to get it sorted now.

we had them come in the kitchen last year. We wouldnt have known they were in and out the back of the dishwaher through the pipes but Merv was going MENTAL sniffing and crying by the dishwasher. A few traps and they were gone. You need to find out where they are getting in and block it or traps wont make a difference.
Peanut butter is the best bait to use in the traps. Make sure u squidge it right in so they have to put their full weight on the spring as they try to get the food out x
Ewwwwww they were in yoru dishwasher. Imagine that on a 'cycle' ha *sick*
:lol: They were just at the back of it....they slither in the gaps in the pipes.....:shock:

My OH said his mate's digs at uni were so infested with mice that he could feel them running over him when he was in bed at night......
my cat just plays with them i found her one day sleeping with one lol till i realised what it was lol it turned it it was a pet mouse belonging to the girl that lives here lol omg its like a zoo here shes got mice 2 doges goldfish rabbits
omg the little b****** is still running around! the traps are a bag of wank, its set them off and then run away from them! katie wooke up crying and it took me bloody ages to go get her cos i was too scared :lol: i could just hear it running round!! might get the dog in there in the morning, although he's useless, when nextdoor had one, he was more interested in the food they were eating :dohh:
I have 3 cats, the only mice I ever see are dead (usually on my kitchen floor, grrrrr). We've never had a problem with mice in the house, I'd be surprised if there were even any still alive within a 50ft radius of the whole house!
There is a plug in thing you can get that's supposed to send soundwaves off that they don't like. A bit pricey but nice thought not having to empty a trap, if the little darlings do eventually bite! I didn't go for this cause I had other pets and didn't know how it would affect them, but maybe worth a look. Not sure if I'm allowed links........


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