Nursing strike...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Does anyone have any experience??

After googling I think this is what is happening. Luckily it seems to be only a partial strike. I was really poorly yesterday so at his 11 feed when he screamed when I put him to boob to feed I thought maybe I had less milk cos feeling so ill, so gave him some formula and expressed later on. He then refused again that afternoon then fed fine... then screamed at 2am when usually feeds fine. Tried and tried everything but he wouldnot feed. Took his temp, got oh tocalm him and try again, not feeding. Caved in and gave bottle. Read a bit on google. At 530am feed gave him dummy for 2 secs pulled it out and put him straight on to boob, he fed fine. Has fed fine all day.

Nursing strike info on google says can be due to 1) having bootle (he's had these everyday for dream feed for weeks and weeks, no prob before) 2) having a cold - he does seem to have one. 3) teething-is showing some teething signs.

BUT OMG it's only when he doesnt feed that I realise how I take it for granted. OH said maybe it's time to stop bfing?! Maybe he is really hungry?! BUT I KNOW that I want to feed him til 12 montsh and it can't be this?! So upsetting and frutrating. Anyone help shed some light?

I have no advice im afraid Hun but Tegan does the same! i spoke to my hv and she suggested that maybe Tegan doesn't want Boob anymore, she's only 12 weeks though! xx
thanks :) he's been fine today. HV are weird sometimes arn't they - I'm sure it's not that your LO has had enough of boob!!!!

Sometimes he is screamy if he has a cold or not fast enough let down but I've never seen him like yesterday and last night was just soo horrid. I was in proper tears as he was screaming, hungry and usually I just feed him and he falls asleep on me straight after but he wouldn't even feed. It was so horrible:eh:
Am going thro this at the mo with alex yesterday he fed fine after 24 hrs on formula but today jas been hell nd i just want it all to go bk to normal
I never had anything like this with Sam but every time Toby had bottom teeth coming through he'd always have a day or two when he would refuse to feed...didn't help that he's always refused to drink from bottles :wall: He's obviously be hungry, start feeding and a second later let go and scream. I think I posted on here about it somewhere because I was really worried the first time but he always went back to normal after a couple of days. And for some reason it never happened with his top teeth x
How old was he when this started to happen ?
Thanks for the replies. Hope it gets easier kellylou? Thankfully all ok at the mo...fingers crossed xx
This us exactly what ella-rose is doing at the moment, she goes to feed then lets go and screams and ends up taking loads of air in and getting really gassy which doesn't help! She's a bit young for teethibg I thought but she has other signs (drilling, chewing and rosy cheeks) so I'm hoping that's all it is. Sometimes she feeds fine. Minchin I hope things continue to go well for you!

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