nursery....which room is best?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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I'm a bit of a planner so even though I'm not pregnant yet I've been thinking about which room of our 2-bedroom house should be the nursery...mainly so we can decorate the one that'll be our room.

both rooms are approximately the same size. one at the front of the house and one at the back. the one at the back has the bathroom off of it. here's a diagram.....

the front of the house is nosier but feels slightly bigger as it has less doors into it.

red lines-doors
purple line=door to cupboard with loft access
blue lines=windows

so based on your experience which should be nursery??? plan to have baby in with us for first 6 months if we can manage it! lol
Personally i would have the room with the bathroom coming off it as yours so that going to the loo in the night doesnt wake the baby.
I would take room one as yours....although i can't help but think how much DH and I would hate having to have our children (in years to come) walk through our bedroom to use the bathroom. Do you have a second one downstairs?
nope fraid not! Just an outside toilet which we plan to get rid of to extend the kitchen!!

that helps anyway....looks like I'll decorating room one for us then!
I would say room two would be best as Jakes room is next to the batroom/toilet and if you pull the flush or have a shower when he is asleep it sometimes wakes him up.

Good Luck TTC :cheer: :hug: & Yes, Mum and Dad's room should definitely be Room One chellieboo :cheer: as like peeps have said, it won't disturb baby.
As for having the one bathroom off your bedroom, it'll be a while before it matters about that I would have thought, and who knows what the future holds, though I suppose installing a downstairs toilet closet is an option?

Very best wishes :hug:
I'd say room one should be yours for all the above reasons plus its not as far to walk when your pregnant and up peeing a million times a night :wink:
Good luck with TTC :hug:

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