

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Jack has been to nursery today, I work a Monday and a Friday so he is there full days. I got called about half an hour ago to come and collect him cos this morning after his porridge he had been sick then he'd had a nappy of diarrhea. When I went to collect him he was happy and playing and no temp or anything.

The thing is he has been ill almost ever since he started back at nursery picking up on thing or another, especially sickness and diarrhea.

Is it normal practise for them to call you every time he has a little bit of sickness? But not actually 'ill' iykwim.

Obviously I don't mind going to get him but feels as though work are going to think i'm taking piss as I only work 2 days a week and been off a couple of those already :? only been back a month.

Just wondering what other nurseries do?
Most nurseries have the policy if they are sick, have diarrhea or have a temperature the parents have to be called and they have to be sent home this is a, to prevent the other children getting it as best as possible (obviously is usually too late by then) b, to prevent staff picking it up having all staff down with a bug in a nursery where children to staff ratios are so important can lead to whole nursery shutting! c, because the staff don't have the time to give children the one to one attention required if they are ill d, relating to c the risk of illness getting serious which is rare but especially with temperature where children can have convulsions it is far beter for the child to be with their parents if something bad were to happen.

I am sure its really frustrating picking up your child to find them quite happy and not seeming ill at all but speaking as a nursery nurse, and head nursery nurse for many years it is policy not just your nursery and unfortunately it is necessary.
The policy in my last nursery was a high temp, sickness without reason (i.e. just eaten and may have gone down wrong way, or eaten too much etc) or more then once, and a loose nappy more then once or a mixture of the two and we had to send the child home in your case if Jack had just been sick once and seemed fine he probably wouldnt have been sent home but together with the runny nappy he would have been.
Hope he is beter and able to go to nursery tomorrow! :hug:
Hi Sweetcheeks!

Poor Jack, I hope he is okay! I think Penstraze answered your question.......I was at nursery with Mhairi this morning and I am now waiting for her to develop "something"! The number of snotty noses running about was incredible! But, I suppose that's one of the reasons we send them to nursery, to build up their wee immune systems!

:hug: :hug: :hug: to you and Jack!

I thought that may be the case tbh. Just checking. Seems the little might has a bad tummy same as the other week. He's just brought up all his bottle :( I hate him being ill. :cry:

Hope your lo is feeling a little better. :hug:

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