Nursery and illness


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Finn has been going to nursery for a month now minus half term and the time he had off because of chickenpox. In that month he's had:
* a tummy bug
* a permanent runny nose
* chicken pox

and now conjunctivitis and another bad cold and earache. We even phoned the doctor today and had to take him to the hospital where the Sunday doc is based....

So I'm wondering if this will ease off or is he likely to always be ill at nursery?
Hi ya, I work in a nursery and we always tell parents that when they first start they are bound to pick everything up thats going around as their immune systems haven't been exposed to them yet, it will get better it just might take time unfortunately.

My little one has been at nursery for 4 months and has had many colds and a couple of ear infections. It's not nice when they are poorly so I know how you feel. Hope this helps.
Kai has been at pre-school since September and has been sick 3 times. He caught strep last Wednesday and he is on antibiotics now. So fed up with it :x
For Asher, it settled donw after he'd been going to nursery for about 3 months.

It does get better,

My son went to nursery for 10 months and he was ALWAYS ill, so ill in fact I pulled him out and now he has a nanny that looks after him when I work 2 mornings a week and he is soooooo much better (touchwood.) He had to have a hearing test the other week and the doctor says he may have fluid in his ears, which is probably due to all the colds/infections he had last winter. I know its a fact of life, but im quite annoyed about it all really and wish I had never sent him. I just think some of the mums are irresponsible and just send there children in when they are poorly. It will probably get better with time hun as others have said, but it didnt in Zachary's case, perhaps he was one of the unlucky ones!
Oh my life, Ryans nursery are the gods of '3 loose nappies and you're out'. It should be in the pregnancy guides : "save some flexi time or holiday leave for the baby illnesses that nursery can bring".

So yeah, it doesn't get better. And I've got ryans conjunctivitus at the mo too.... joyous.

x :hug:

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