nursery childminder or nanny


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Hey girls, i'm going back to work in Jan and i'm tossing up between going to nursery, childminder, or a live out nanny....

What have you all done with your children and what made you decide.
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Nursery for me. It gets them used to a 'class-like' situation ready for school and they get to mix with lots of other lo's x
Lizzie's going to a childminder, mainly cos I met her and thought she was lovely, she got great recommendations from people I trust, and Lizzie likes her!
The nursery I tried had no spaces, and the woman in charge seemed rather 'short' (as in tempered, not height lol) so that put me off. I kind of think a nanny is too 'one-on-one' and I would prefer Lizzie to be with other kids.
Having worked in childcare - both in a nursery and as a nanny - I'm going for a nursery as I want Isla to get used to lots of people and other children.

Having said that, I'm still not looking forward to January when she starts!
yh thats the one thing i dont like about nanys but on the other hand i work in a nursery myself and know that 90% of the time the children arent being interacted with instead the adults are doing paperwork etc. i dont blame the adults cos i know i myself find it hard to do all my paperwork and actually play with kids too.
I'd go childminder as they still get some interation and its only one person to get used to xx
Was there anything in particular u looked for?

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I don't work so dont have to think about this but I go to lots of playgroups and see loads of child minders and I am so shocked at how close they always seem to be with the children and if I was at work I would really hope someone like that would be looking after my child . most I have seen always have a few children so they will still be mixing with other kids but I think I like the one on one care and the closeness of one adult. If I Eva had to chose I would go with nanny or child minder xxx
I've gone with a Childminder. She is homely, caring and has three children already. She is a good according to ofsted and I've met her several times. I'm more confident in her than I am my Mil!

We're lucky enough to be able to afford for me to stay at home with Evelyn but if I get onto this college course then I feel i'd be a heck of a lot more comfortable having her with a childminder than a nursery. Mainly for the fact that i've met a wonderful childminder already and that I feel nursery's don't offer as much one on one care...although I have never visited a nursery recently so that may be something I may be corrected on when I visit a few :)
i didnt waant madison to go to nursery but when i went to meet childminders i was never happy (various reasons) cos either too crowded or too big of an age gap between kids or too many tiny babies etc etc , also weve had many probs with my relatives in childminders (smacking, childminder biting my cousin to 'teach' him) etc etc.

SO... i ended up visiting a nursery and i fell in love! and i always said i would never put her in nursery, ratio is 1:3 , they do activities all day, they learn, paint, roleplay, read, they are also very good at encouraging madison e.g. forcing her to walk when she was learning and being lazy, taking dummy off her, weaning her off juice completely onto water (this never bothered me but she drinks gallons of water no bother)

altho i will say i have an amazing nursery(im also psycho mum to them) im aware theyre are some bad, my advice

check everything out!! you will know whats right for you and your chhild, dont decide before youve visited everywhere! also waitin list for our nursery is huge so sooner rather than later check those out xxx
I know I'm miles off having to worry about this at the moment but had always thought I would like the idea of a nursery so that they have loads of other kids around etc but only found out recently (through someone coming to work for me who's kids are with a childminder) how expensive they are, and in fact how expensive childminders are. I'm not saying they aren't worth it, just that now I know I have twins on the way, I don't think I will be able to afford to go to work anyway...........hang on, am I moaning about that? ha ha ha

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