Numb fingertips...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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It's very odd lol

I have a numb middle fingertip on my right hand and I have no idea why, been like it a coupla days now lol :)

Might mention it at the hospital tommorrow and see what they say...
Yeh hun i would defo mention it at the hospital tomorrow.. Hope its nothing to worry about :) xx
I keep waking up with numb hands? Either numb hands or pins and needles? X
I haven't suffered with numb hands or fingers but I have suffered really bad with pins and needles and cramps in my hands, legs and toes xxx
Don't know if this is the same thing but I am kinda worried about the stiffness in my fingers. Don't think they're overly swollen but I find it sore / uncomfortable to bend and stretch them. I have also been the most ridiculous klutz since becoming pregnant - dropping EVERYTHING in sight. I know it's just the usual pregnancy paranoia (esp as I'm writing this at silly-o'clock in the morning and I'm shattered) but in back of my
Mind I'm worried I have start of arthritis or something else awful!
Let us know what midwife says to u xx
Don't worry K80 I also have very stiff fingers I'm sure it's just pregnancy related as well as swollen cancals, back ache, leaking boobs and weeing lots. Pregnancy is soooo so glamorous not!!! Xx
I keep having a weird feeling in my left arm that feels like I've hit my funny bone. Sorta tingly, very weird. Let us know how it goes with the mw/hospital! xx
Well I'm back :)

The MW said that it could possibly be carpal tunnel which is common in pregnancy, but if I do have it it's very mild and nothing to worry about :)
yeah i had it, feeling came back a couple of weeks after birth, its all the fluid pressure pressing on nerves etc, causes carpal tunnel and all kinds of fun stuff.
its harmless and i had it from about 38 ish weeks too

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