Nuchal scan results...still waiting....


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Had my 12 week scan last Wednesday and they said that i would get a letter in the post within 2 weeks with the results. If it's bad news they said they'd ring probably sooner. As yet, no letter or phone call. This is just the latest in a long list of things worrying me and i'm praying the letter will hurry up and arrive saying that everythings ok! My OH said that at the scan he saw the measurement of the babys neck and it was 2.1mm which i think it normal?? Don't really want to take his word for it though in case he got muddled up. Aghhh pregnancy is so god damn worrying! xxxx
Mine was 1.9 and had a letter 3 weeks after to say it was low risk. Think its anything over 3. something(not sure exact measurement) I wouldnt worry as by now if it was high risk they would have phoned and as you say it was 2.1 its classed as low risk x
Wednesday just gone? Or the one before? You most definitely would have had a phonecall if it was the Wednesday before and there was something of concern.

I think 2.1mm is within the normal range though for the measurements. It should ve written in your notes.
2.1 is within the normal range. Anything up to 2.5 is absolutely fine! If it's over 3 they start to worry!
I was high risk (and in act am carrying the most gorgeous downs syndrome baby in the world :)! ) and as a result of being high risk I knew my hospital results within 2 days!

As far as I can see, it sounds like you are low risk. Keep your chin up and try hard to relax sweetie! Xxxx
If you haven't heard from them then that's a good thing. I wouldn't worry Hun. They would contact you within a few days if there was any worry or concern. The letter will arrive soon I'm sure.xx
Thanks ladies, dunno what i'd do without your advice and calming words! It wasn't last Wednesday, it was the Wednesday before so will be two weeks this coming Weds...silly me. Just getting a little impatient but hopefully everything will be fine. So_hopeful, it's reassuring to know what even though you got the 'bad' news you're still still so positive and happy :) xxx
I had mine 2 weeks last Thursday and still haven't heard anything... They would call you straight away though if it was high risk...x
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They get the results within about 48 hours I think, it's hospital admin that takes time for the letter to arrive. I was told I'd be rung within 5 days if I was high risk xxxxxxxxxxx
i still haven't had mine! And i probably wont get them until the next scan with all my notes!

I had my 1st scan early sept...5th/6th and my next scan is 25th October

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