NT results! Please help...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2015
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So I finally got my letter with the result of my NT scan.

I'm 33 and my nuchal fold was 2.3mm at 12+2 weeks.

The letter says that my risk is 1:918 which is low but the results are so low:(

free beta hcg mom - 0.37
pappa mom - 0.23

Low papa is a marker for Down's syndrome and also means placental disfunction.
I can't stop crying now:(
Hi...when I was 18 and when downs was tested on bloods only I had a a 1 in 180 chance and he's absolutely fine...we decided at the time to have no further tests as I had made the decision that I would lcontinye the pregnancy regardless. I have refused these tests in subsequent pregnancies, including this one x
I can't help with ur results much but try not to let it stress you out too much xx
The letter didn't actually say that there's something wrong, it only said that my risk is low.
But then I looked at the results and goodled them:/

I read on other forums that women with low pappa were offered more scans to monitor the growth but as my letter doesn't say anything is wrong I don't know what I should expect.
The best thing u can do is ring and speak to your midwife.
When I was high risk the first I knew of it was when the midwife turned up at my house and told me I had a consultant appt the next day...they didn't want to cause worry by writing or ringing me x
Yes I'm going to ring her.

I've been waiting for the letter for 2 weeks and it turned up today on my birthday of all days, so my whole day was ruined:/

I'm consoling myself with the fact that if they thought there was something wrong they would have phoned me earlier.

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