not well again


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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well wed nite i was throwing up from bout 9 till 11 then yest i had to have the day off work as i had a sore throat litterally could not drink and i was just so sleepy even just walking down the stairs made me feel tired! thank god for my mum and dad they collected B from nursery and sorted him out completly last nite i only saw him for 10 mins :cry: as i just couldnt cope
then today i still feel so rough i just wanna lay down in bed and cry my throat is still so saw mum and dad have even had to book Braydon into nursery as there is no way i can look after him
in the last 3 weeks iv had 2 colds, felt dizzy and sick and this :cry: :cry: i miss my baby
Awwwwww poor you! I've had hmmmm about 4 bugs or so this winter, so I can sympathise with you :hug: Hope you can rest up loads today, have lots of snuggly duvet time and get better so you can be with your lovely Braydon again :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aah sarah, i'm so sorry you're feeling awful, its funny coz at xmas i had a bug & 2 days into the bug i got a sore throat & a cold too!!!
i mean how ill did i want to get!

hope you make a very fast recovery, :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hugs :hug: I hope you feel much better soon!

Emilia xx
Hope yer feelin better soon :hug: . Maybe your immune system is a bit low, i ws like that a few years back took some herbal tablets ecchinea (sp) from asda the worked great. XkelX

Hun hugs was wodnering why you arent on msn hope you feel better , never ends with you and B , big hugs from Kiara and I .
mum has just had our GP out (friend) as i am still refusing to tlk apperently i have laringjitus (spl)

bloody men :twisted:
oooh dear you poor thing :hug:

Hope you feel better soon, atleast youve got a diagnosis now so you can get the right treatment and be back on your feet with bubba in tow in no time.
one word sudafed since i discovered it whenever i feel a blocked nose or cold coming on i take 2 they are miracle pills!

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