not sure what to do...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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So my little monkey is currently going to sleep at 8pm n waking from 2am onwards constantly every half hour or so until 6am when he has another feed.

Last night he had a feed at 4am as his dummy was in no way settling him as he was trying to eat it lol. He then slept pretty much perfectly til 8am

Now do people think that if I gave him a feed at 2am that would settle him for the rest of the night, or am I then gonna fall back into nightfeeds.. Cause I think if I feed at 2 he may automatically wake after 3 hrs for another feed out of habit. He then may go back to 2 night feeds n I don't really want that.

But he's waking more often from 2am anyway. But for some reason I'm not as tired when he does this compared to when he used to have 2 nightfeeds (my body could have possibly adjusted to sleep deprivation or because I'm only popping his dummy back in not having to fully wake n feed for half hour its easier to cope with)

Wow I'm rambling on. If anyone has any suggestions I'm happy to hear them. Well done if you've read this far and if you've understood it :D

id give the feed, i give alyssa a feed in the night if she wants 1
I give 1 feed after midnight at whatever time my lo wakes up, if she wakes up more than once I just cuddle to sleep so as not to encourage night waking for food.
But at 2 he's not crying for food other wise he wouldn't go back to sleep... So I'm thinking of introducing a feed then but then I think we'll go back to 2 night feeds when he doesn't need it. Hmmmm I just dunno how to combat the 2am waking as I don't wanna feed if he's not hungry.

Ah its confusing xxx
Try water? How much does he eat/drink in the day? How old is he? Xx

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He's 15 weeks. He has 7oz 6 times a day so he's getting enough during the day so I don't think he's waking for food but something is waking him every night from 2am. It used to be from 5am

None of your neighbours do night shifts or anything do they? A recovery vehicle driver lives down our road and OH went round his house last night cos he keeps releasing his lorry's air clutch at 3am outside our bedroom window and there's no reason for him to do it.
Nope none of that kinda thing here.

I'm desperate for help. Seeing HV at clinic today so ill talk to them but I'm feeling a little emotional this morning so I hope I don't cry. He decided to wake from 1.30 last night xxx
Oh hun :( ask to see a sleep lady. I'm expecting some unsettled nights when the cot arrives xxxxxxxx
Is he in his own cot? In his own bedroom? X

Mummy to beautiful baby boy Samuel Lee 05.03.12
if its just suddenly happening it could be growth spurt

Kayla had one around that age and was very agitated for a full week
He's been doing it since he dropped the night feeds around 4 weeks ago. No we only have a 1 bed flat so same room as me. Were moving in August though so he'll have his own room then but I'm gonna have to get a single bed for that room as I can't keep getting up out of my room n going to his every half hour

Oh n BB the lady that deals with sleeping problems says she doesn't see people til their babies are 6 months :(
if its been since dropping thw feeed maybe it hunger and he isnt fully ready to sleep trough? id try a feed at 2and see what happens, u can always try dropping it again in few weeks just to see
What about trying a dream feed when you go to bed to try and get him through a bit longer?
I would personally feed him at 2am. Jax still sometimes has two feeds a night but I find it much easier to spend 5/10mins feeding him and him going straight back to sleep then I do spending 30 mins trying to get him to go back to sleep without food.
I think at 15 weeks he might still want food. Try feeding at 2 and see if he wants it.
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