Not sure what to do....


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Keira is on 5 oz every 4 hrs but after 2hrs she seems hungry as her belly is rumbling so last night n today ive given her an extra 2-3 oz. This doesnt happen fir every feed just late afternoon early evening.
Am i right in doing this? what else could i do?

Also thinking bout hungrier baby milk can i use the normal sma during the day but come afternoon evening n night could i alternate between the normal sma and hungrier baby?

im willing to try anything xx
If she's asking for more then you are right to give it to her imo. Maybe she's getting ready to sleep through over night if she doesn't already. Personally I wouldn't chop and change between formulas just give her more when she asks for it xxxxxxx
If she wants more then give it to her, if you get her weighed regularly then you will see if it is a problem, I don't see why it would be though x
thanks ladies... i wasnt too keen on alternating but i just worry bout iverfeeding even though its clear she needs it, just being a single mummy im worried the hv are gonna try n pick at something. Getting her weighed monday so well see xx
We put M on hungrier baby food quite early and it made a good difference.
But once you change you can't really go back as the first formula is not so thick.
Hey hunni, I've never had a hv pick at anything because I'm a single mum so try not to worry bout that!! If she is asking for more then there's no reason you can't give it to her :) like others have said, you will see the outcome if you get her weighed regularly :) x
Babies are hungrier at nights and evening to stock up for the night time, it is copletely normal for them to take more milk at those times!! I wud say just offer milk when it is wanted and see how you go!
After having a very very hungry newborn I know what its like to worry about over feeding. Max was having 4-6oz every 2 hrs n he always had more in the evenings. I tried hungry baby n iy did nothing so stuck with sma n he just calmed down on the feeding in his own time

Don't worry about over feeding, if she takes too much she'll just spit up what she doesn't need. Being a single parent must be incredibly hard but you are doing a fabulous job hunny :hug: xxxxxxx
Finn is the same so i guess its normal hun, he eats soo much in the evenings. Between about 5pm and when I go to bed he non stop feeds, so now I have to give him a bottle at 10pm as I don't have enough breast milk to satisfy him overnight. I normally breast feed him and then give him 4 or 5 oz, which keeps him going for about 4 hours. He put on nearly 2lb in the last 2 weeks so he's gaining weight rapidly, but he was only a tiddler when he was born so think he's making up for it! xx
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