Bigger feed before bedtime?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Angel is on SMA Gold and is feeding 6 1/2 oz every four hours. But before bed I up this to 210-230ml of hungry baby formula and she sleeps right through... only been doing this for 2/3 nights and havent discussed with HV yet but do you think having the two milks is ok?

She only has that one feed of hungry baby and for her daytime feeds its just the normal gold one. It was one of my friends who advised hungry baby milk as her last feed to encourage her to sleep through so I thought I'd try it. Surely theres no harm in it?! xx
I was thinking of trying this, Charlie's on aptimil comfort milk cause he used to get (or seem to get) tummy ache quite a bit, you think is he ok giving him hungry baby if its just for the one feed x
We used to do this with sam, he had aptimil 1st milk during the day and hungry baby milk for his last feed of the night!He never had any problems with it xxx

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Oh i'm really not sure you can do this. It might upset babies tummy or be bad for them..please phone ur HV asap & ask. Also I'm not sure you can give hungry baby to them so young.

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I tried it with Phoebe and it upset her tummy :( she's on aptamil comfort for her colic and I tried aptamil hungry baby milk at night for two nights. It was coming out of both ends and it really didnt make her sleep any better. All babies are different though, I mean your baby could be perfectly fine with it xx
Iv thought about this too but Will suffers tummy aches do probably not a good idea xx
Thomas was on sma gold then we put him on hungry baby at 8 weeks all the time we didn't mix the 2 and he was put on it purely because he was taking 9 oz of gold every hour and a half to 2 hours all the time when he went on it he went every 3/4 hours but the change did make him constipated for a few days.......someums have been known to put their baby in hungry baby formula straight from birth but I wouldn't as can be quite rich and all babies are different xxx
I would check with your HV to be sure. We swapped Poppy on to hungry baby milk for a week, and to be honest we didn't find it made any difference to the amount or frequency of her feeds, so we swapped back (plus it seemed to make her a bit sicky). Hungry baby milk is basically just thicker and takes them longer to digest (or so I've read) and to be honest, I did feel bad that I was giving it to her and making extra work for her little digestive system for my own convenience. But like I said, it didn't make any difference anyway!
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My LO has Aptamil hungry baby formula for his last bottle at night and normal formula during the day and we've had no problems with it. I didn't speak to my hv about it before as he's my baby at the end of the day not hers and it felt like I was asking her permission.
If you're not sure then talk to your hv about it but we have had no problems. It did make a bit of difference, LO would sleep for maybe an hour longer at night than he was before.
One thing we have found is that our LO started sleeping through when he was ready not because we gave him hungry baby formula. Up until he was about 6 months old he was still having a night feed. Also the amount of milk and food he has throughout the day makes no difference to his sleep at night really. He can hardly have anything and have a great nights sleep and then another day he'll have loads and wake up in the night. Babies are funny things!!
Our lo has aptimal first during the day and her last bottle is hungry baby. A few of my friends use ths too and none of us checked with our HV as every HV gives different advice anyway, ie we were told differently on making and storing feeds.
I am genuinely suprised at the amount of ppl that use hungry baby, I honestly didn't think that many ppl used it. I understand why ppl could think their baby is extra hungry but its so hard to tell when they're young coz they dont sleep through anyway & cry quite alot & always suck bottle for comfort so duno how ppl know baby is hungry. On various websites it says that normal milk (first milk of any brand) is all baby needs. Also given the fact of the studies with stomach problems & obesity I struggle to see why ppl would be so keen to give it to LO. I think alot of it is to do with ppl not wanting to put up with the crying (not ppl on this thread so to speak but in general) I can understand it when baby is near the time of needing weened (4-6 months) coz by this age they do actually start getting more hungry. But at only weeks old, the oz should go up rather than switching formula.

Sorry for being so controversial, just my opinion

I was just going to suggest that too littlemiss, maybe give an extra ounce of the normal formula? I'm going to try that tonight as he didn't seem satisfied last night and wouldn't settle xx
I honestly thought you should wait til they're draining like 7/8 oz before saying they were hungry, as surely if they were hungry they'd drink that much, how could they be "hungry" if they've only polished off 3oz for example. If you pour them 4 oz and they only drink 3 then they're not hungry enough for the rest or else they'd drink it. I know some ppl have issues with LO not drinking whole bottle, which is a seperate issue.

Maybe its just me but I cannot get my head around the hungry baby thing (unless its before weaning)

My LO was draining 8ozs which is why I tried him on the hungry baby formula. I didn't start him on it until he was coming up to 4 months as I wanted to delay weaning until 6 months so I could try BLW. I only give one bottle of hungry baby formula a day and the rest he has normal formula which seems to satisfy him now we are weaning him.
When LO was about 3 weeks old I mentioned hungry baby formula to my midwife as he was having a lot of milk then as he is a big hungry boy but she said babies tummies can't cope with it so young. I just made his bottles bigger and waited until about 4 months before feeding him it.
If hungry baby milk is bad for babies, why is it produced and sold?
Its not necessarily so bad for babies, there's no solid proof, its just some studies & stuff i'd read about it, this was a few years ago right enough. I think some of them have a high calorie content I also was meaning more for babies at a couple of weks old rather than 4 mo. I would consider it for my LO when he's older, its just the very tiny baby part I cant understand.
i would never have put him on it if he wasnt drinking as much as he was especily with the time frame as well it isnt good for babies until about 3/4 months as it is richer and thicker xx

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