not sure how far found out tonight


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Sep 16, 2008
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I just found out i'm pregnant, not sure how far. have been split up with my ex for 5 weeks now, and theres only been him for a long while, since last september or something so I guess, it's at least 5 weeks but I dont know. periods never really been regular but i never thought anything of it. Wondering what my next step should be? can anyone help

can you remember the date of your last period?
if you can, type into google 'due date calender' and it will bring up one for you to work out your rough dates.

you need to go make an appointment with your gp, to let them know your pregnant. they'll refer you on to the midwifes etc.

ive never really kept note of it. They had to be induced at 17 and so have never been regular as theyre drug induced etc. sometimes i wont have one, or i can have a 3 day one, or sometims have two in a month, im just weird.

So I just need to go to my doctors and they'll sort everything?

i heard about this foelick stuff off my ex's sister, when should i be getting that or does the doctor sort it?

sorry i just dont have any idea on any of these things.

yeah foelic acid. your dr would prescribe it for you, or you can buy it from the chemist or even asda.

your gp is the best bet. he'll be able to roughly work out how far you are. maybe even have a feel of your tummy to see if they can feel anything.

you'll get an appointment for a dating scan where they will date the pregnancy for you

have a browse round the 1st tri section, got loads of great info in there
Congrats on your pregnancy - have you seen your GP yet?
No advice to give ya cause its already been given, but your GP is your first port of call! anything else you need to know then ask away cause there is always somebody about to help you out around here and answer your questions!

congrats about the pregnancy and hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :hug:
Thanks Ladies, i'm booked in to see a midwife within the next week. my GP confirmed with a dippy stick thing today for me, good things of having an 'uncle' working there, he fits you in whenever :)

He cant tell how far, but he said he would guess at around 14 weeks. Have a dating scan on the 23rd Sept so not long to wait. he gave me a load of books and info to read etc, it all seems a little daunting, I never ever expected to fall into this situation, and I am so scared it's unreal, but now I have had someone talk to me about it. and know it is defiately happening, and within 9 months, i'll have a little bairn then i'm happy too. roll on 9 months time, but please forget about everything in the middle!

Thanks for your help and kind wishes Ladies.
Didn't want to read and run

There are a whole load of fantastic ladies on here who will support u so please remember that

Also there is loads of information on here so get reading!

Hope everything goes well
19&alone said:
Have a dating scan on the 23rd Sept so not long to wait.
wow that was quick - lucky you!!!

I had to wait weeks and found out when my dating scan was by letter!!!! :shakehead:

thanks ladies.

how was it quick leanne? it feels like ages away. I was thinking they would tell me there and then, but no. i'm hopeless with all this stuff.
19&alone said:
thanks ladies.

how was it quick leanne? it feels like ages away. I was thinking they would tell me there and then, but no. i'm hopeless with all this stuff.

No i meant, it was quick of them to give you a date. they couldnt tell me a date/book me an appoitnment there and then, i had to wait weeks until i received a letter with the date on!
oh i see. Sorry. I don't know :(

I have other things in relation to my reproductive organs which are regularly monitored, so maybe because of that? i really dont know. Sorry
hey hun! wow nice quick scan !! i've got mine on friday (been waiting about 2 weeks which feels like FOREVER!) good luck with yours!

im on my own with the whole pregnancy thing too, but this is a great website :D
Wow! Congratulations on the pregnancy. I found out i was pregnant when i was 4 weeks so had to wait agessss for my first scan. So, in that sense i agree youre lucky it's only round the corner. The scan is amazing, and for me it was the first time i felt a connection with my baby. It's an amazing experience as i'm sure you'll find out. Chin up and enjoy :D

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