Not sure how far along I am and hardly any symptoms?


Jan 9, 2011
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I am a worrier by nature and my husband says I am stressing over silly things but I can't help but worry as I said it is in my nature.

Ok I have taken two home pregnancy tests one a clearblue digital both came back positive. I have skipped only one period but not sure how far along I am as I don't monitor my period dates :-/

The clearblue one said 4 weeks and that was new years eve but I reckon I am about 6 weeks now and I have read on the net the clearblue ones are not very accurate with dating?

Also I have had hardly any symptoms the occasional backache, weeing more and tender boobies, no nausea etc had mild cramping a week ago too

I have had two perfectly healthy children and both my pregnancies were totally different.

Maybe it hasn't sunk in that I am pregnant, as it wasn't planned?

Anyone out there to ease my woes? Got my booking in appointment with thw midwife next week :)
Hi - congrats on your bfp!! I would just go with the CBD until your scan, there is not much else you can do. If at New year it said 4 weeks then you would have been 6 weeks pregnant so you are now 7-8 weeks already!! Symptoms change from person to person so you sound right on track. Your midwife will arrange the scan at 12 weeks and you will know then - good luck!!

I agree with Tracey, symptoms wise, this pregnancy is completely different to that of my son's and its a boy this time as well so goes to show.

Go with the Clear Blue until your dating scan hun. Either way, that's fantastic news xxxx

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