not really a TTC question but..


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
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does anyone else get REALLY horny towards the end of AF ? :oops:

i'd spotted during the night and AF was still there when i wiped this morning but just barely so told OH he would have to wait until tomorrow, had nothing.. no spotting.. noting there when i wipe since first time i went to the loo this morning.

to be honest, i'm GAGGING for it but OH is making me wait until tomorrow like i said, just to be mean i think :(
Answer from me is yes!! Maybe you will have to explain to him whats going on just tell him youve finished earlier than you thought and turn all you womanly charms!!!
Flutter those eye lashes girl!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You can but :pray: he gives in !!!!!
:lol: I am only on CD5 today and have felt horny since yesterday. Then when I'm fertile at the end of the week, I probably won't feel like that. Typical! :roll:
:rotfl: Lol no... I fancy it more during the middle of my cycle (good old nature trying to get me knocked up :lol:) but never just after AF.

I'd jump him if I were you :lol:
I'm the same, buddabun, and we've gotten to the point where dh doesn't care (is that tmi? :lol: ) so we do it anyway, thank god!
mine enjoyed all the sex but you can tell that the romance factor does actually make a difference lol

I say 'enjoyed' as it's the last thing i feel like right now. my back KILLS lol he can keep his filthy paws off :talkhand:
i didn't get my way last night, he stayed up until gone 12 on the xbox :shakehead:

i got my way this afternoon though :wink:
he was telling me i had to wait until tonight, but i was NOT getting no for an answer! :rotfl:

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