Not quite sure whats up with him!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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For the past few days finley aint been himself, keeps really screaming loads all day long, not feeding very well and seems to be chewing the teat on the bottle instead of drinking it :?

taken him to doc today and she checked everything and said he was fine, no temp or anything wrong, i did wonder if he could be coming down with something but she didnt think so....

is it too early for him to be teething? hes 13wks on wednesday, just with him chewing the teats it got me a bit confused, he really doesnt seem happy at all, getting very agitated and doesnt want to be put down at all
It could be teething hun
all babies a different it what age they start feeding
ive read that average its about 3months
update- i bought some dentinox today and hes much better he must be teething :dance:
oh bless him i do sympathise sassy, luke has been dribbling a lot and has rosy cheeks but i'm not sure if he is teething yet i can't see any coming through.
i was going to say maybe he needs some solid grub but glad its all sorted
Rubes has been the same, she stars screaming, a high pitched scream at around the same time each afternoon.... :shock: It frightened the life out of me, but I tried Dentinox too, and she seems to be better for it, her gums are really white, she has nappy rash too which I have heard could be a sign of teething :think:

Glad you have sorted him, its horrible when they arent themselves :hug:

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