Not normally one to panic but......


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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Hi ladies, need a bit of reassurance. Woke up this morning and all my symptoms have disappearaed. I'm 9weeks and 5 days, no tiredness, boobs aren't sore, don't feel as emotional as I have over the last week. What is happening. Probably doesn't help that I dreamt I had my scan and there was no baby! Could do with someone at the same stage, feeling the same....anyone out there? :cry:
i have heard alot of girls saying on the forum that when they reach week 9 or 10 or even earlier they symptoms go, it is to do with hormones levelling out.

If you are really worried would you be able to have an early scan or speak to your doctor or midwife ?

I m/c in march and i had mild symptoms but they continued even afer I m/c they didn't stop suddenly overnight , over weeks and weeks but to be honest hon it sounds perfectly normal and im sure the girls at week 9 on here will have similar stories.

take carexx

The placenta starts to take over hormone production around week 8 so come week 9/10 you aren't producing as much hormones that used to make you sick.

I remember starting to feel "better" around week 10....but I still had some symptoms... With my daughter it stopped all together at week 10. With this pregnancy, I woke up one day feeling great, no symptoms at all...panicked that I was miscarrying only to wake up the next morning and feel 1000x times worse...
i started feeling better at about the same stage you have hun, so try not to worry. i had the same feelings about the scan as you! i even dreamt tht i miscarried and saw the baby in the toilet :shock:
It's completely normal, I felt like this around week 10 - as the others have said its the placenta kicking in so you just don't feel as affected by the hormones.

I was completely poo'ing myself when I went for my first scan, I was convinced that they would say there was nothing there and I'd made it up! What your feeling is completely natural, and is experienced by all pregnant women.

Am sure its all fine.....

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