Not happy


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Just found out a friend of my is going to start ttc . I'm so upset and scared everyone will fall before me. I know I shouldn't worry what happens with other people but I am gutted. Moan over
Ooo that's a hard one! I know from experience! My friend already had a 4 year old dd when I told her we were ttc and she never mentioned about ttc or even wanting another etc - but at a summer bbq she came and when I offered her a drink she said she couldn't as she was 8 weeks pregnant! I was devastated and jelous - funny thing was I got my bfp a week later! and we ended up having boys 8 weeks apart. Now get this - I tell her when we are going to ttc no2, and she came to visit, she told my DH at some point in the day that she was 4 weeks pregnant, didn't tell me! I didn't know what upset me more, the fact that she had beaten me to it again, or that she didn't tell me :( - anyway guess what happened - I cried all that evening watching Juno - and then got my bfp the next day we both had girls 3 weeks apart! Now I am ttc again and haven't told anyone (not even my mum) but I'm still waiting for her to announce a bfp! lol

It is hard and much as you want to feel happy for your friends, when you want it so bad yourself you end up feeling strange about it all.......
Oh hun my aunt is ttc too and im scared of this happening to me! Sounds awful as i would be so happy for her x

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I do feel bad as I would be happy but also very bitter and upset about it. Not a lot I can do anyway! Thanks for your replies and I just got to take each day as it comes x
I'm exactly the same Hun! Told family that me and my dh are TTC, (it's taking a while) then a month after got a call from my cousin from the hospital saying she's had a baby!! (apparently she had no idea she was pregnant) then 2 weeks ago got a call from my Aunty saying she's pregnant with no4!! Seems like it happens 2 every1 instantly else doesn't it! Xx
I know the feeling, two of my very close friends are going to be TTC in a few months and I'm gutted they're going through it together. :(

Plus both are super fertile so will obviously be preggers in no time as well.. It's hard but we can't stop people from living their lives.


Hi poppy. I know its hard. Every one seems to be able to get knocked up but us. That's me at the year mark too now god damn!!! Have faith it will happen for us!! X
Completely understand how you feel.

It seems every1 has got pregnant apart from me! I started ttc 2 and half years ago the same time as my mums friend, she fell with in a few months. And friend of mine fell without even trying, so did my cousin and my aunty then another friend, my sister in-law and most currently my very best friend has decided to i'm just waiting on her phone call now :(

You'd have thought i'd have perfect my 'surprised, happy, congratulations' voice by now but nope! Lol They usually get 'oh right, great, well congratulations then....gotta go tea is on'!!! And thats if there lucky! Its not that i'm not happy for them its just takes time for me to sort my bitter emotions out before i can talk to them properly. Then i give them a call in a few days and apologise.

So your not on your own hun, i think we all have bitter jealous emotions when it comes to other people conceiving before us!! Lol

Lots of hugs and baby dust

Thanks girls. I'm glad I'm not alone. It's just a very tough journey for us all x
OMG!!!! I hear ya sister. I over heard someone at school while dropping my daughter off saying she is going to start trying for #3. All of a sudden it gave me more desperation to get my BFP ASAP!

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