BFP's but now having BFN's - Chemical pregnancy maybe?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi all

I am so gutted. I had 4 positives on Wednesday/Thursday but this morning I have had 2 negative test results. It looks like one way or another this baby isn't happening for me. But, I don't know what happens now? I have not had any bleeding (other than what I thought was implantation - very light brown) and don't have any pain.

Could it be a chemical pregnancy and if so, when will I start to bleed?

I am so scared and upset right now. My body is F***ED!!! It's not fair.
kele firstly are you using the same tests? Same strength?
Wait it out another week and take another test.
When I was pregnant i got a bfp cd20 and between then and cd 27 I got an assortment of bfns and maybes.

IF it is a chemical, you should just have your period as normal, wont really be any difference in it, but hang fire on thinking that just yet. :hug:
Thanks HollyHobbie - you are right, there's nothing I can do so I'm just going to go about my day like usual and see if anything else happens. I have another test which I might do in the morning. I am so disappointed though because it's not looking good. Why is it so hard? I can't bear to tell OH yet, he'll be so disappointed. I feel like a big fat failure. x
Youre not a failure kele :hug: The best way to look at it if something goes wrong early is something wasn't right and your body recognised that fact. You want a healthy baby so your body is working on giving you one - this is the only way to look at it. So rather than your body not working it could have been working better than you could ever imagine it could.
I went though the 'I'm a failure' myself, I kept seeing women with prams and thinking how come they can carry a baby to full term and i cant? What have they done differently to what I did? Completely forgetting they too might have had an early m.c themselves!
I was angry with my body but once I stepped back and looked at the facts I ended up thinking how brilliant my body is at dealing with something that wasn't meant to be this time.
My heart and my head was trying to hold on as long as possible,and I think it influenced how long I went, but once I let go my body did its thing and took over.
When ttc I think you have to have a thick skin, prepare for diassapointments but always hope for the best and try and not let your heart rule your head too much/ it's hard but it can be done, and you've still got lots to look forward to on your journey.
Keep on trying and you'll get there one day :hug: and it'll be when everything is right and you'll have your healthy baby, and it'll be worth the wait. xx
Bless you hunny - just wanted to send you a big hug x
Thanks so much. Holly Hobby you make complete sense and I know you are right! It is disappointing but I just got to keep on going. I have 2 more pregnancy tests left, one of them is a digi. I am going to do the digi tomorrow morning and then I will feel like I really know if I am still pregnant or not. If I'm not, then I just wish it would do it's thing and end so I can try again. Thanks again for your kind words, it means a lot. :hug: :hug:

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