Not Happy With Midwife :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Hi Girls,

I went to the doctors for my first appointment since finding out I’m pregnant, The doctor told me to make an appointment with the midwife at with the receptionist which I did this was last Tuesday, The receptionist then told me the midwife will contact me for an appointment the next day, I told the receptionist to tell the midwife I’m going on holiday to Greece on 21st July for 4 weeks.

The midwife finally rang me today and said she doesn’t have any appointments left and I can’t go for a scan before I go as its to early,
(il be 8 weeks on Monday). She also told me it will be to late to test for down syndrome when I get back as well.

I’m so annoyed, I wanted some reassurance and piece of mind before I went.

Firstly, OMG Greece for 4 weeks. You lucky thing!!!

Secondly, typical of the NHS and doctors, so annoying. Surley they should be able to fit you in somewhere before you go? Even if it is just an appt with with midwife to get things going. Try again?

Do you think you would be able to get a scan in Greece? obviously you may need to pay for it but it puts your mind at rest that everything's all ok!

Hope you get something sorted soon and have a fab time in Greece xx
Hey gemlouise

I know what you mean about wanting peace of mind before you go.

I must say, I think it's fair enough about not being offered a scan before you go away, as there aren't many areas that offer early scans except for medical reasons - perhaps you could have a private scan before you go?

As far as the Down's testing goes - my understanding was that it is possible to screen for Down's between 11 weeks and 13 +6 weeks. If you're 8 weeks on Monday, you should only be 12+3 when you get back, so you should still be within the window for screening when you return. It might be worth a bit more investigation around that - maybe speak to the scanning department - get armed with the facts before you go back to the midwife to request a scan!

Good luck!
when i first was pregnant my midwife really messed me about. I phoned my doctors and complained to the practice manager. A doctor referred me for my hospital antenatal care the midwifes dont have to. i would skip your midwife out and explain the situation to your doctors practice. they have a duty of care to you. also my first scan was at 13+ weeks and i was tested for downs then x x x
Because of MW's incompetence, I don't get to do my first scan until I'm exactly 14 weeks. Hope it's still within the window for Down's screening.
I read that the nuchal scan must be done between 11 and 13+6 wks. If I were you I'd pay for a private scan before you go, at least that would help put your mind at ease. Then hopefully they may be able to do the nuchal when you get back if its possible your dates are a little out.

Don't worry if they cannot test for downs syndrome on the scan. I was supposed to have the test for downs syndrome today when I had my scan but the baby wasn't lying in a position that allowed them to measure the fold of skin on the neck. She tried for ages to see it but after about 20 minutes and 2 separate scans, she said that she was unable to do the test for downs. Howver, they can still do the test by doing a blood test and this can be done any time from 12+6 up to about 17 weeks so don't worry if they cannot do the test on the scan. It was only until recently that they introduced the test for downs using th measurements from the back of the neck. Until veryrecently, th way for testing for it was to have a blood test. I know that's how I was tested for it with my DS who is now 3.

So just enjoy your holiday, try to relax as much as you can and just make sure you ahve a scan booked for as soon as you get back.

Good luck and congrats. xx
I’m really upset about this, i thought the midwife was very rude to me on the phone, She said i was to early to have a scan but i know this is not true because my doctor said it would be ok to go for one before i go and i know friends that have had them done before 12 weeks, I just wanted some piece of mind before i go on holiday.

I really hope i can have a test done to check for down syndrome as well, She told me it would be to late when i get back off holiday so I’m hoping i can have some blood tests done.

Does anyone know how can get a scan and paying for it, Also how much is it?

i believe there is a tripple test that they can do which si seperate to the nuchal? also you can get private scans and also you can possibly get a nuchal as dates could be wrong adn you could be less far along than you think? xx
You can get an early scan on the NHS but only if you are experiencing problems. I had 3 early scans but that was because I was bleeding and had recently suffered a blighted ovum. If you google private scans in your area it should come up with some places you can have one and you can usually book them online. However you need to be quick cos they fill up quite quick.

Sorry your midwife isn't very good. can't you get a different one? you shouldn't be made to feel like that.

Good luck x
I had a private early dating scan done at 8+5 wks, £75 (Reading area). Only because I'd had 3 mc's and my midwife said I couldn't get an early scan on NHS. I just googled scan, or ultrasound (can't remember exactly what), rang up the cheapest and made an appt, all very easy to do and the service was excellent.
You can def have blood tests done chick x When I went for my 12 week scan, I was actually 13 weeks, and baby kept moving so they couldn't get the measurements for the nuchal fold x

I got the bloods done at 15 weeks, and got the results that way x

Early scans are a funny subject, as some hospitals just won't do them x Maybe you could get one done in greece? x
Don't worry if they cannot test for downs syndrome on the scan. I was supposed to have the test for downs syndrome today when I had my scan but the baby wasn't lying in a position that allowed them to measure the fold of skin on the neck. She tried for ages to see it but after about 20 minutes and 2 separate scans, she said that she was unable to do the test for downs. Howver, they can still do the test by doing a blood test and this can be done any time from 12+6 up to about 17 weeks so don't worry if they cannot do the test on the scan. It was only until recently that they introduced the test for downs using th measurements from the back of the neck. Until veryrecently, th way for testing for it was to have a blood test. I know that's how I was tested for it with my DS who is now 3.

So just enjoy your holiday, try to relax as much as you can and just make sure you ahve a scan booked for as soon as you get back.

Good luck and congrats. xx

This is exactly what happened to me :) x

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