Not finishing her last bottle........


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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LO takes 4x 8oz bottles per day. Roughly at 8.30, 12.30, 16.30 and 2000

For a few weeks we have been testing the water and playing a bit and giving her some fruit puree after her lunchtime bottle. She started chewing and swallowing most of it last week so we have started to very slowly wean

I give her about 10 spoons (tip of a feeding spoon) of puree at lunch, and the last few days have also been giving her some after her 16.30 bottle.
We have moved to vegetables, and she loves it.

the thing is, she is only taking around 5-6oz before bed now. She is still sleeping through, but waking an hour earlier. This doesnt bother me cause she is quite happy lying playing until I am ready to get up!

I am getting her weighed tomorrow, but at 18 weeks she was 14lb 2oz so should of been taking at least 35oz of milk.

She is 22 weeks tomorrow and only taking 32oz if she finishes all her bottles. Or the last few days only 29-30oz

should I stop with the weaning?
As she's taking solids she will drop some milk intake. I'd be tempted to only give her purées at lunchtime and not in the afternoon as well, until she's 6 months. After that, so long as she's getting between 18-21oz a day it's fine. Xx

thank you

yesterday she started refusing all her bottles, and only wanted her puree.

so I have stopped giving her anything for now, apart from her milk. x
Ah, good plan. Sounds like she's going to be a good little eater! xx

I had this with aaron and had to mess about with his feeding times a bit to get it sussed

I brought his afternoon bottle forward half an hour with dinner straight after, and it meant he takes his last bottle now

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