Not felt baby move/kick...


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Since before tea time last night...

I'm really worried, ive been feeling baby since about 17 weeks...movements and kicks, and generally can tell when babies moving about and stuff...

I'm really worried..I'm sitting here at my desk just waiting and nothings happeneing :( I don't want to harass midwife, but since 17 weeks baby has never been this quite and it just doesnt feel right :(

Any tips on getting baby to move? x
Not only that...But i;ve been able to see my own heratbeat in my belly since 14 makes it move (found out this is because I have an anterior placenta)...But now I can't see my heart beating in my tummy anymore...It's not moving!! I'm so scared :(
I'm the same hunny, but i've learnt over this last week that she's moving quite a bit and sometimes I just don't feel her for over a day then all of a sudden she moves and kicks the shit out of me for a bit. I would give it a bit longer before ringing the mw, but if it helps to ease your worry, give her a call earlier. I'm sure everything is ok though :) xxxx
Thanks princess :hug: It's just so odd :( It's strange cause I'm doubting if i really did feel baby at tea time!! Maybe i just wasnt paying attention! It's just soo worrying :( x
prod you tummy a bit or pat it baby might respond x x x
:wave:hi frugl try drinking a very cold iced drink that used to work with me. baby might just b having a bit of a lazy day or changed position that that the back is against your tummy so making it hard for u to feel the movements xxxx
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oh bless you. Can you give your midwife a call for reassurance thats what they are there for you are not being a nuisance. Hope you feel baby soon xxx
Thanks everyone xx I *think* I just felt a little pop (possibly a kick) maybe baby is lying funny...I'm going to try the iced drink right now!! xxx
Cold drink or some chocolate-this actually gives baby a sugar rush so will encourage movement xx
Yes, cold drink and a good firm massage around your whole bump. If that does not work, get some music on and have a boogie (payback for when baby is born and wakes you up- ha ha)

My midwife said if I was at all worried about movement to call her...that is what they are there for. My wee one is always very quiet during the day. I would even forget I was pregnant until I look down and see a bump!

What is that about seeing heartbeat in your tummy?? I've had that and thought it was just me!! My tummy moves with heartbeat constantly since about 14 weeks too. I was beginning to get worried about it cos I get totally out of breath just climbing the stairs, picking up clothes on floor etc. Even the effort of getting to bed, when I finally lie down I'm all out of puff and have no option but to lie on my left side to read a book cos I just cant sit on my bum, reclined back I feel like I cant get a breath.... maybe its connected? Blood pressure is fine when at doc/mw
I know you can't right now, but if you don't feel anything by the time you go home, have a bath- worked for my dd and for this one already, bathtime means playtime apparently, lol.
I felt it!! Think babies just being lazt today, butjust a had a definite kick! Phew!!! :roll: xx
What is that about seeing heartbeat in your tummy?? I've had that and thought it was just me!! My tummy moves with heartbeat constantly since about 14 weeks too. I was beginning to get worried about it cos I get totally out of breath just climbing the stairs, picking up clothes on floor etc. Even the effort of getting to bed, when I finally lie down I'm all out of puff and have no option but to lie on my left side to read a book cos I just cant sit on my bum, reclined back I feel like I cant get a breath.... maybe its connected? Blood pressure is fine when at doc/mw

Ooh so you know what I mean right?! Its odd the heartbeat in the tummy isnt it! It's def mine though, cause its going at the same rate as my own just a bit delayed x At my 16 week appt midwife tried to listen to baby, but could only hear placenta, heard my heartbeat, and then babies lower down (via placenta). She said what I'm seeing is the placenta (cause its anterior and attached to the front wall of my tummy) pulsating pumping blood to baby! How cool is that! I think I'm worrying cause im sitting up trying to see it, and i've only ever seen it lying down!
Glad little one is wriggling away again. Perhaps you'd been to busy and judt didn't notice movements.

Is it strange that I only feel movements at the bottom of my bump? had quite a tummy before falling so wondering if bump hasn't stretched the fat out enough for me to feel it.
Glad little one is wriggling away again. Perhaps you'd been to busy and judt didn't notice movements.

Is it strange that I only feel movements at the bottom of my bump? had quite a tummy before falling so wondering if bump hasn't stretched the fat out enough for me to feel it.

Me too! I have been very busy actually..and only got 5 hours sleep last night so maybe baby is tired x

I always feel movement at the bottom of my bump too! I hope its not strange! heh xx
I just wanted to ad something my MW told on Wednesday . she said "please come in or call if your not happy with something at this stage we can do a lot to help but we cant do anything if your at home " SO luvie if your ever worried , don't see it as harassing them :hugs: see it as keeping yourself sane .
All my movements are in the lower part of my tummy too. My mw said it was because I'm fairly tall that everything is just a bit lower down.
Although last night when i was in the bath i was getting pains underneath my ribs when i bent forward so i'm think it might of been little tinker kicking me. It felt awful but went away as soon as i got out the bath! little bugga!! xxx
I totally understand your worries hon, i had a 3 days of no real movement it panics you so much! I'm so glad you've felt some kicking since though, it will just be baby being a monkey! hopefully you'll feel loads more this aft and put your mind at ease!!

I rang my midwife as I thought I dont care if its a silly question I needed reassurance and to me that is what they are there for!!! She told me same as everyone else has said that baby might have changed his routine or be lying in a different position, but she wasnt mad I had rang, so if in doubt and you need reassurance give them a ring!

Bathtime is definately a good way to get them kicking, I had one last night and was belted all over the place until I got out!!! it was lovely!!! :)
aww glad everything is ok hun and baby is moving iv only felt a few flutters so im sure iv got all this worry to come :)

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