not feeling well the lasy few days..


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Hey ladies.

I'm just after some advice really.
I've only known I'm pregnant for just over a week but I've worked out I should be somewhere around 4-5 weeks now.

I had a m/c last year because the egg didn't implant properly (took 3 months until I found out because I started m/c the day before my scan!) and a lot of my symptoms this time round have been the same - sore boobs, backpain, inflamed overies from time to time and getting dehydrated easily :roll:

However the last 3 days I've been feeling really rough....somethings I never felt before :| I have got headaches, proper morning sickness where I'm running to the toilet wishing I could actually throw up...and the worst part is that I'm always hungry and thirsty but whatever I try to eat or drink instantly makes me feel sick and I throw the plate back in front of me trying not to throw up :(
This is even happening with all my "safe choices" like fresh fruit and glasses of cold water and milk.
I think because my in take of food and drink has gone down this is leading to the headaches...but it's hard when i feel sick to start with and then EVEN SICKER when I actually try and eat :wall:

I have got my doctors appointment tomorrow to register my preganancy and given that I wanted an erly scan this time anyway...I'm wondering whether to take tuesday off work and try to get the doctor to book me in for a scan at the hospital - or can I do this myself??? :think:

I'm just after any help which will relieve the discomfort I'm in. I'm just trying to sleep all day but obviously this will not be good for my baby if I'm not taking enough in.

I haven't been able to fce my suppliment tablets for 2 days :puke:
Hiya :hug:

It sounds to me like proper morning sickness has hit you quite hard. Even if you can't keep food down, try to stay hydrated and sip water. Milk is a bit of a no no when feeling sick, so I'd avoid it for a bit if I were you.

With regards to seeing your doctor - I think it'll do you good to have a chat with him/her about things. I think they will be able to reassure you about this.

I would not get your hopes up they will send you for a scan this early as tbh there will be nothing to really see at 4-5 weeks. And as you've had no bleeding or heavy cramps, I would think they would say wait a week or two to be sure of seeing something. The EPS is usually reserved for emergency scans when things like bleeding etc occur in first tri, but often so early they don't seem to scan anyways, because of lack of anything to really see.

I'd like to think your GP will back you up for a reassurance scan in a week or two, when you are say 6-7 weeks along as there would be much more to see then.

But honestly it sounds to me like you are experiencing normal pregnancy symptoms and I'd try to not panic and worry. Many women MC once but go on to have successful second pregnancies, so please try to relax a bit :hug:
You poor thing :hug:

Have you tried eating grapes? They are comforting on the stomach, mainly juice based and usually easier to stomach...

...I would definitely ask about a scan though, even if they can't book you in right away, because of your past experience I think they would keep a closer eye on you (even just for your own piece of mind).

Thanks ladies.

Yes I'm trying not to worry too much but it doesn't help that hubby has been making a fuss about how much I'm sleeping and how I'm not eating proper meals and I really don't feel I can face work like this so will probably get a few days off this week to try and collect myself :roll:

I rang a friend who's had 2 kids yesterday for advice (tricks she's used etc) but all my 'extended family' (including inlaws) go on about how weak I am...and she did as well which doesn't feel very supportive. She's a lovely lass but all she could do was tell me to eat plenty of chicken because my body will need the nutrients and to eat regularly :wall:

I'm not like really ill physically. I used to be prone to aches and pains and didn't have much stamina but I had this problem where I would suppress my appetite really easy without even really realising just because I was "too busy to eat" - just snack throughout the day to get me by and I'd do this for a few weeks then get hungry and binge out for week...and so on and so forth....for several years but since I've changed jobs and got some new friends a few months ago I've been taking better care of myself.

Anyway...sorry...dam hormones...I'll get off the soap box now. It just seems that only my best friend is supportive and everyone else seems very negative that I'll be able to cope :cry:
Your body is going to be exhusted in these early weeks. Its doing the job of the placenta and having to work extra hard pumping blood round your body. Its all natural. Most women posting in this tri feel wiped out and tired, so please reassure your hubby its not just you and its a natural thing.

With regards to you eating, again many women cannot stomach lots of food in first tri and snack and nibble on what they feel like when they like. Also women tend to find they are better eating at different times of day to help combat or get round morning sickness. If you can't face a whole meal don't worry about it. Hopefully your hubby and others will stop pressuring you to eat 'proper meals' as we mostly don't feel like it in these early weeks. Its all normal :) Do what feels right for your body. Just try to eat good foods to ensure you get the nutrients you need and also to help any other vitamin supplements you are taking absorb better into your body.
Sherlock said:
I would not get your hopes up they will send you for a scan this early as tbh there will be nothing to really see at 4-5 weeks.

Just so you know, I had a scan @ 5 weeks and we were able to see the gestational sac and the yolk sac quite clearly. This confirms that the sac is in the right place and the right size.
Ani said:
Sherlock said:
I would not get your hopes up they will send you for a scan this early as tbh there will be nothing to really see at 4-5 weeks.

Just so you know, I had a scan @ 5 weeks and we were able to see the gestational sac and the yolk sac quite clearly. This confirms that the sac is in the right place and the right size.

Thanks :) I'm aware they can see something, but often women have said they have not really seen anything or have been told to go back a week or so later. If its as early as 4 weeks then there may be a good chance little will be seen and I was worried this would upset noor more, hence suggesting to wait a week or two before trying for an early reassurance scan :)

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